17: The Written Exam

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"On your marks, get set, BEGIN!" The booming voice of the instructor rings out throughout the classroom. Your eyes droop involuntarily with boredom as the instructor slams his hand onto a timer at the front of the room.

After almost a week of non-stop, grueling training of your ninja skills...here you are...back in a classroom with a test in front of you. The first phase of the Chunin Exams is here, and least to say you're a little disappointed that it is simply a weed-out test.

You let your eyes wander around the room to the several shinobi lining the walls. The instructor informed you that they were placed there to keep an eye out for any cheaters, and you wonder if it would even be possible to cheat with so many eyes on you. It's not very likely, and you don't think you need to resort to cheating quite yet, anyways.

With a heavy sigh, you flip the test over to read the first of the nine questions of this Pre-Exam.

You had barely studied and the information you did study you didn't retain very well. In other words before you finished reading the first question you knew that you were fucked.

The first question was a math question and because that wasn't really your strong suit you took a deep breath and skipped it. Maybe the next question would be something you knew.

You skim all of the questions quickly, and suddenly you are certain that you are about to fail. You grit your teeth as you glance around the room. A few rows in front of you, Sakura is speeding through the test like a boss. From your vantage point, you watch as the boy next to her peeks at her paper.

How did Sakura possibly know the answers to any of these questions?

"Number 23!" A patrol ninja suddenly stands from his position at the windowsill. "You're out. No cheating."

You watch in shock as the ninja who was caught cheating is escorted out of the room. You meet eyes with one of the patrol ninja as you watch the boy be carried out, and you quickly glue your eyes back to your own test.

Frustration builds up inside of you. You distinctly remember the instructor saying that if anyone in your team fails the test (or cheats), everyone on the team is kicked out. If you want to succeed, you must have faith in your teammates and try your best with the knowledge you have acquired.

Anyways, there are nine questions on the exam: you only need to get 5 right to pass.

The chance of you getting any of the questions right though was so little you could barely calculate it.

And no doubt that Naruto would get all 9 of them wrong, written exams, or any exams for that matter were not his strong suit.

A beetle crawls across your desk and you gently nudge it off the corner of your test paper. The beetle, knowing it's been spotted, trucks as fast as its little legs can go back in the direction it came.

You risk a glance up to see the beetle making its way back to Shino. Your jaw nearly drops. Is Shino trying to cheat off of you?

You fasten your head back forwards, but you steal another glance around the room. From a row in front of you, you see Akamaru's head tuck quickly back into Kiba's jacket hood. You could have sworn that dog was just looking at your paper too...

You didn't mind helping them out if you actually had the right answers anyway.

"Ten minutes left!" The instructor shouts, just to be certain that everyone in the small room can hear.

Your face pales as you look back to your partially completed test. You have quite a few questions left still! It'll take ten minutes to finish just one of them!

A few seats ahead of you, Sakura sets down her pencil and smiles confidently. She makes no attempt to hide the fact that she has finished (or to hide her test for that matter) as she flips her long pink hair over her shoulder. Sakura is your teammate, and teammates are supposed to help each other out...riiigghhhtt?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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