Five:Zabuza the Demon

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(Your POV)

As Tazuna begins to lead you off the cobblestone path into a sparse forest inland of the island, you glance at Kakashi's nauseous expression, and you can tell you are both having the same thoughts. Next time you are attacked, it won't be everyday ninjas you encounter, but full level Jonin. You will have to be on guard the entire time you're here.

Apparently, Naruto notices your anxious thoughts, and he steps up next to you. "Relax, bestfriend. I've got your back. Believe It?" He says with a big thumbs up.

You laugh at your awesome bestfriend, you guys were always together at school or during training and you were happy that you were on the same team as him. 

But when your family massacre happened you started hanging out with him less and less and you have of course just recently connected again and have just picked up where you left off.

 "I've got yours, too." You grin and do your secret handshake.

Sasuke and Sakura look on, jealousy written on their faces. Maybe you could make one up for Team 7 too.

 Suddenly, Naruto sprints ahead with a kunai knife in hand. He flicks the knife off to his right, and crouches down with surprisingly agility. You freeze with a hand on your own ninja tool belt, but there is only silence in response to Naruto's attack.

"Heh." Naruto says as he stands. "Just a squirrel."

Sakura and Tazuna launch into a yelling fit about Naruto's reckless use of a kunai knife.

Sasuke steps up beside you and raises an eyebrow.

"Give him a break. At least he's alert." You say with a light laugh defending him before anyone made anymore negative comments.

"Ah ha!" Naruto screams, chucking another kunai knife into a bush.

Sakura beats Naruto on the head ruthlessly, while Kakashi peers into the bushes where Naruto threw the knife. He pulls the bushes back to reveal a startled, snow-white bunny with a kunai knife lodged in a tree just inches from the its ears. Kakashi looks suspiciously around the forest, and you wonder if Naruto's paranoia got to him, too.

If he keeps throwing knives, he's eventually going to kill something he shouldn't. You think shaking your head.

Naruto cradles the white bunny and tries to nurture it out of its shock. The bunny's eyes flicker open, and you notice in surprise that they are not red like you assumed. That would make the bunny in Naruto's arms a snow rabbit, but then why is it still white in the summer time instead of transitioning to brown like snow rabbits have adapted to do?

You look up to locate Kakashi, and you find him quietly surveying the treetops.

Maybe you just didn't know as much about bunnies as you thought? After all you never really paid attention when it had to do with animals because you were more of a fighting shinobi.

You practically feel the change in the almost smell the danger as it approaches. Your ninja senses begin tingling. Had you not already been so alert, you may have missed it.

"Everyone get down!" Kakashi shouts to you.

You dive straight to the ground, just narrowly missing have your head being chopped off by a giant spinning sword. You pull yourself back into a crouch as the sword impales itself into the side of a tall tree a few feet away. You narrow your eyes as a tall, dark, and muscular man lands and balances on the sword.

Woah he was kind of hot. But way older than you and obviously evil.

"Hand over the bridge-builder." This stranger declares. "He must die."

Kakashi had been right. Now that you are in the Land of Waves, another assassin has appeared.

Woah. This guy needed to chill out, he was so intense that you could feel his aura just circling around your team.

"Well, well, well." Kakashi says with a small smile. "If it isn't the Rogue Ninja of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza Momochi!"

You stare up at this large, scarred man balancing on the sword. A mask covers the lower half of his face, but his scarred chest is exposed--and quite striking. The only other distinct feature on this man is the dark hair sticking out from his headband.

Naruto rolls up his sleeves and begins to walk towards the tree where Zabuza rests, clearly eager to redeem himself from freezing up earlier. Kakashi only holds up a hand, and Naruto pauses.

"Get back, you guys." Kakashi commands.

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