Chapter 1

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*You have been added to a group chat*

I pick up my phone and see that my friend Michelle had added me to a group chat. At first I just read everyone's messages then after awhile I started messaging back. People were just asking questions and answering them.

It was pretty fun. There were 6 other people in the group chat. Michelle, Jadyn(girl), Jackson, Ethan, Casey(boy) and Aaron.

Michelle: How old are you? I'm 16
Jadyn: 13
Jackson: 15
Ethan: 17
Casey: 15
Aaron: 16

Michelle: Yay! Justine's here!
Justine: Why did you add me to this?😂
Michelle: Because you need to make new friends.
Justine: I have plenty of friends
Michelle: Name 5.
Justine: You, Hannah, Jess, Annie, Alyssa.
Michelle: Name more.
Justine: I can't...I don't have anymore...
Michelle: Exactly, That's why I added you.

Ethan: Something that you think makes you unique. I have a twin brother
Justine: I have a different blood type than my mom. I'm A+ and she's A-. 99.99% of babies are born with their mom's blood. 
Michelle: I can speak Spanish and English.
Jadyn: I can make a bone cracking noise by moving my fingers while making a fist.
*Casey has left*
Aaron: I can put my legs behind my head and walk on my hands.
Jackson: I can walk around on my hands for a long time.

Justine: Where were you born? I was born in Virginia.
Ethan: New Jersey
Michelle: Texas
Jadyn: Ohio
*Aaron has left*
Jackson: Wisconsin

Jadyn: Where do you live now? If you have moved. I'm still in Ohio.
Michelle: Texas
Justine: Bipolar Texas.
Michelle: Texas is Bipolar😂 It was supposed to rain all day but rained for a few hours then was all bright and sunny.
Ethan: LA
*Jackson has left*

Michelle: Why do people keep leaving?
Justine: Cause they are intimidated by our awesomeness!
Ethan: I like You ^^^ I agree we are too cool for them😂
Jadyn: haha

Ethan: What time is it rn for you? 9:28
Justine: 11:29
Michelle: 11:29
Jadyn: 12:30. I have to go to bed. Night guys.
Ethan: Night young one
Justine: Goodnight
Michelle: Night

Justine: What grade are you in? 10th
Michelle: 10th
Ethan: 11th

Michelle: How many siblings do you have? Two sisters
Justine: 4 brothers 2 sisters. 4 of them are full siblings and the other two are half.
Ethan: A twin Brother and an older sister.

Michelle: I have to go to bed. Night Butterbean. Night Ethan.
Justine: Stoppppp! Night.
Ethan: Nice nickname😂 I have a worse nickname so don't worry. Night Michelle.
Justine: Well you have to tell me.
Ethan: No I don't.
Justine: It's only fair.
Ethan: Ugh fine. E tee wee tee.
Justine: Aw that's so cute! Who gave that to you? I got mine from my mom.
Ethan: Same.

Justine: What's your middle name? Renee
Ethan: Justine Renee, That's cute. Mine's Grant.
Justine: Ethan Grant, That's cute😂
Ethan: Shut up.
Justine: You shut up.
Ethan: Aw, We're such great friends already.😂😂😂

Ethan: So what do you want to talk about?
Justine: I don't know. I'm kinda tired.
Ethan: Aw no! Don't leave me, i'll be forced to talk with my annoying brother.
Justine: What's he like?
Ethan: Pretty similar to me I guess. I've never in my whole life spent a day without him, Well except this one time. We had to go to two different states. That was rough. We both got bad separation anxiety.
Justine: Aw, I know how that feels. I get it with my cat tho. I know that sounds weird but I can't sleep if he's not in the house and I get an empty feeling inside. Like one time he was gone for three days. I'm still mad at my sister for letting him out of the house.
Ethan: Aw, That's kinda cute.
Justine: Yeah Yeah. Well I'm going to bed goodnight bozo.
Ethan: I guess I'll go to bed too then. Goodnight princess

I read his message over and over again. I've just met this kid, don't even know what he looks like, but I already have a crush on him. He called me princess....That made my heart flutter. I put my phone on my charger then laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

A/N: I was planning on writing just a little bit of this first chapter then finish it some day during this week, but I got way too into it and just wrote the whole chapter. Oh well

I hope you have a great week! I love you guys so much! -Justine

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