Chapter 27

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(^^^This will make sense eventually)

Cash's Pov...

School just started and I already want to go home. I wish Enzo was here, he would protect me from my bullies.

I pull my hood up over my head and look down while I walk to my classroom. I find my seat and sit down with my head down on my desk.

I just want this to stop. I'm tired of feeling this pain. "Hey, Cash...Are you okay?" I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and saw my best friend Mack.

 I looked up and saw my best friend Mack

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She sighed when she saw my face. "C'mon, we're going to the nurse." She said putting her hand out. "No, I'm fine." I said looking back down.

"Cash, you need to put ice on your eye and cheek. It will help with the swelling." After a few minutes of her repeating herself, I agreed and we walked to the nurse's office.

"What happened?" The nursed asked as we walked in. "I was playing catch with my brother this morning and he accidentally hit me in the eye." I lied.

She nodded and gave me an ice pack wrapped in paper towel. I thanked her, then put it on my eye and cheek.

Mack and I then walked back to class with a note from the nurse. At least we have a nice teacher, and he won't be mad at us.

We handed him our notes, then sat back down in our desks and listened as he taught today's lesson.


Lunch just finished, so we are back in class and working on Science. Since a few kids were being disruptive yesterday while we were doing science, we get to either just sit and quietly talk with our friends, or finish our classwork from yesterday.

I had already finished my assignment, so Mack and I are just talking about things that we should add to our tree house that is in my backyard.

So far we have two tire swings hanging on either side of the ladder, and a little seating area on the inside.

After school, we plan on using some of my old room decor, to decorate the Tree house. I have a leaf garland, which would be perfect to hang on the ceiling.


Mack and I were walking home from school, when we saw someone sitting in the middle of the street. Why is he in the street?

As we got closer, I realized that it was Enzo. "Enzo? What are you doing?" I asked giving him a weird look. "Just thinking." He said then got up and started walking with Mack and I.

"Did they do that to you again?" Enzo said with a sigh. I just nodded. "I swear, I'm going to kill them. No one hurts my baby bro, besides me." He said giving me a noogie.

I just rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. We laughed, then eventually made our way home.

As we walked into the house I got a weird feeling, like something was off. "Dad! We're home!" Enzo and I yelled as we put our backpacks on the hooks by the door.

There was no response. That's weird. Dad always greets us when we get home. I know he's here, his car was in the driveway.

Enzo and I both looked at each other with worry. "Dad???" Enzo shouted then ran upstairs to look for him, while Mack and I looked for him downstairs.

With no luck finding him downstairs or even in the basement, we walk upstairs to see if Enzo found him.

We walk into my parents bedroom to see Dad comforting Enzo. Dad's eyes were red, like he had been crying. I could see my Dad's lips moving like he was saying something, but my brain couldn't process what he had said.

Finally it had hit me what he had said. My heart broken and I fell to the ground and screamed as I cried. My mom is gone...

Dad sat down next to me on the ground and pulled me into his lap and hugged me as I cried into his chest.

Ethan's Pov...

~11:30 A.M.~

I was cleaning the house and doing the Dishes when my phone rang. I dried off my hands and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" "Hi, Is this Ethan Dolan?" A lady's voice asked. "Yes?" I said as I walked over to the living room. "I'm sorry to inform you, but your wife has died in a car accident." Those words just rang in my head.

I was in shock at first and my body couldn't processes the emotions. "Sir?" "Uh Yeah?" I asked. "We need you to come pick up her belongings." "Okay." I said barely over a whisper.

I hung up, then got into the car and drove to the hospital. I collected her things, they showed me her then I went back home.

It wasn't until I was in our room, that I broke down. I slid down our bedroom door and just cried. I cried for hours, then when I stopped crying I felt so lost.

Since there were still a few more hours until the kids got home, I edited a YouTube video. I don't know why I did it. Maybe to be able to see her smiling face, or maybe because I felt that she deserved a video.

I used all of the clips of her that I could find. After I had put all of the clips together, I added a song that I felt suited the video.

(Song at Beginning)

I uploaded it to YouTube, then left it at the page before you post it. I will post it after I tell the kids.

I laid down on my bed and dozed off. I am so emotionally drained that I fell asleep really fast. I slept until I felt someone shake me. I hoped it was Justine and that this whole thing was just a terrible nightmare, but It was Enzo.

"Dad? Are you okay?" He asked worried and put his hand on my forehead to see if I have a fever. He gets that from his mom. She was always there to make sure you were okay.

I sighed and shook my head. It took me a minute to find my words. "Mom...She...Um...She passed away this morning in a car accident on her way to work." I said then watched his face.

He just stared at me as his eyes filled with tears and they ran down his cheeks. I instantly stood up and hugged him. "Shh, I know buddy." I said as I rubbed his back.

We stayed like that until Cash and his friend Mack came into my room. Cash looked confused. I told him what had happened and he just stared at me.

As if he didn't understand what I had said. Mack on the other hand had a saddened expression on her face.

When Cash finally processed what I had told him, he dropped to the ground from crying so hard. I let go of Enzo who was calmed down by now and sat down next to Cash and hugged him.


Mack eventually went home, and the kids and I just laid in my bed and cried and talked about Justine.

I'm glad I have these three by my side. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have them. They just make this so much easier.

After we were tired of talking, we just watched the video I made on repeat. We all cried, but it felt good to cry, to let out all of our pain.

Even though it is technically a school night, we all stayed up way past their bedtime. Eventually we all crashed of course, but we all fought to stay awake, because none of us wanted to fall asleep and leave the others alone with their thoughts.

A/N: I'm sorry.

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