11 | Trouble

91 8 6

A/N: Austin said girlfriend... what?!

"Girlfriend.'' Austin said. I'm not his girlfriend! Is Austin crazy?! Did I miss something?! Why am I a little happy about this?!

I was about to correct Austin's words when he quickly said good-bye to this Ariana girl and dragged me out of the nurse's office and into an empty hallway.

"What was that all about?!'' I said, very, very confused.

"Yeah... you know I'd do anything for you and that you owe me, right? For helping you get to the nurse's?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with me being your, um, girlfriend?''

"Lemme get to that part. Okay, so Ariana and I use to be a thing. Obviously. We broke up on good terms... sorta. She had cheated on me but being the nice guy I am, we agreed on being what chu call friends. The reason I want you to be my, uh, girlfriend is because I want revenge.'' Austin said, well more like blurted out.

"Really? Revenge?'' I said, slightly confused and annoyed.

Austin nodded, happily. He, then got on one knee in front of me and took my hand.

What's going on? He's not proposing, is he? I'm too young. I have so much more to do before getting married!

"Victoria-I-don't-know-your-middle-name-Jenkins, baby. Will you please do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my fake girlfriend?'' he said, caressing my now sweaty and hot hand.

"Um...'' I said, trying to nicely deny his weird-ass offer.

"Pleeeeeaaaase!'' he begged, still on one knee. He then pulled out a ring pop, undid the wrapper, and placed it on my index finger, thankfully.

"Ugh. Fine. But never call me by my full name again! And my middle name is Marie, by the way.'' I said, totally giving it. I need to get a grip, seriously. I then started to eat the candy on my so-called ring.

"Yay! I love you!'' he said, picking me up in a hug and swinging my small body, in the air.

"Yeah, yeah.'' I muttered.

He finally put me down and said,''C'mon it won't be so bad. Maybe you'll even enjoy yourself.'' he winked.

I blushed a bit and just nodded.

After a moment of silence, I finally realized that we were late for Physics class. And I mean really late. We had left to the nurse's when lunch was almost over.

"Shit.'' I said.

"What?'' said Austin.

"We're late for class, let's get a-moving!'' I said, dragging Austin by the arm. On the way to class, he removed my hand from his arm and held it.

"W-what are you doing?''

"If you're gonna be my fake girlfriend, we have to do love-dovey things such as hand-holding.'' he simply said.


"Why so nervous?'' he said, an adorable smirk on his face. No, Tori, no!

"I'm not. I'm just... not use to this.'' and with that, Austin nodded and we finally arrived to class.

Without knocking, I opened the door roughly and said -more like screamed, ''We're here!!!''

"Tori, Austin. I guess you guys have finally decided to come to class.'' Mr. Leroy said.

Austin decided to join into the conversation and said, ''We were at the nurses.''

"And where are your late passes?'' Mr. Leroy said.

Just my luck, Austin had dragged me out after announcing our status to Ariana before we could get any late pass. Great.

"Oh, we don't have any.'' Austin replied. He didn't seem to care.

"Let's take this outside, children.'' Mr. Leroy said, shooing us outside the classroom and into the halls.

"We are so sor-'' I began before Austin decided he wasn't done talking yet.

"Look, we'll go back to the nurses and get our damn passes. You don't need to shoo us out of your class.'' he retorted. Kinda hot how he's standing up for us. Us, I kinda like the sound of that.

I was sorta shocked by the sudden change in Austin.

I nudged his arm and whispered for him to stop but it was as if he didn't hear me as he continued to argue with Mr. Leroy.

After about ten more minutes of the two bickering, Mr. Leroy finally had it and said, ''That's it! Detention! Both of you!''

"What? Me? What did I do?'' I said.

"You were late as well and were apart of this.'' he said waving his hand around me and Austin. Well then.

Mr. Leroy left to go give us something, as he left, I sighed loudly and Austin chuckled.

"This is all your fault. Since when did you ever stand up to teachers like that?''

"Since now.'' he said, oddly proud of what he had done.

I sighed loudly again just in time for Mr. Leroy to come back. He ripped out too pink slips with our names already written on them.

Handing it to us both, he said,'' You must report to detention after all your classes for today. Detention is approximately two hours. Since you were late to my class and had no late pass, you may wait in the office until your next class which is in exactly nineteen minutes. Enjoy.'' he said, shutting the door in our faces. Rude.

As we were walking to the office, I decided to start up a conversation and said,'' Well that was freaking' rude of Mr. Leroy. He use to be nice. What happened!?''

"He is a nice teacher but once you're late for class, he turns into a scary monster!'' Austin said, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

We laughed for a while and cracked a few more jokes. I checked my watch and said, ''Class starts in a few minutes.''

"Oh. Okay'' said Austin as we started to walk to class. We arrived at a crossroads, my class being straight forward and Austin's being to the right.

I sighed while Austin said,'' Until detention.'' he said.

"Until detention.'' and with that, we both walked our separate ways to our classes.

Detention. The word was unfamiliar to me. Have I ever gotten detention? Nope. Have I ever even been warned to receive detention? Not even close.

I was a good girl and I knew it. Everyone knew it. I would go to my first detention. With Austin. Until then...

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