15 | Picnic

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A/N: Ayee I finally updated! Enjoy :)

Emily and I leave Austin's room to start getting ready.

"So what are you gonna wear?'' Emily asks, as we enter her room.

"Whatever I packed in my duffel bag.'' I shrug.

"Don't you wanna impress your....'' she takes a gulp, ''boyfriend.'' she finishes.

How dramatic of her, but it is Emily.

She's probably teasing me so I just laugh and shake my head as a response.

I take my duffel bag and open it, pulling out the change of clothes that I had brought which were black ripped skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

"Are these alright?'' I ask, holding up the clothes to Emily.

"They're fine. The jeans are cute and everything. It's the t-shirt that's bothering me.''

"What? I think it's cute.'' I say, looking at my Hello Kitty t-shirt.

"Why don't you borrow a top of mines?'' she suggests, hurrying over to her closet and coming back a moment later with a top on her hand.

"Here.'' she says, taking away my beloved Hello Kitty t-shirt and replacing it with one of her own shirts.

I take the shirt and hold it up. It's a black and gray tribal top.

"It's actually really cute.'' I say surprised.

"Thanks.'' I add.

"Welcome! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to change and you need to shower.'' she says, shooing me out of her room and to the direction of the bathroom with my clothes in my hand.

"There's a towel in there for you.'' she informs me before shutting her door. Alrighty then...

I enter the bathroom and put my clothes on the hanger and turn on the water.

I then step into the bath-tub and start to shower.

After about a twenty minute shower, I step out of the bath-tub and dry myself. After drying myself, I throw on my clothes and head into Emily's room.

"You look nice!'' she compliments me once I step foot into her room. I look into her mirror and say, ''Hey, I actually do!''

"You look fab.'' I compliment her after turning away from her mirror, examining her floral dress and sandals.

As she finishes curling her hair, she asks me, ''So what are you gonna do with your hair?''

"I'm thinking of doing a messy bun.'' I reply, brushing my hair while looking back into her mirror.

"Good choice.'' she nods in approval and pats me on the back.

When I finish putting my hair into a messy bun, me and Emily barge into Austin's room.

"Almost done!'' he yelps as we enter. He's currently gelling his hair to give it a quiff. Nice...

We sit there on the bed for about five more minutes until Austin announces that his hair is perfected and that we can go now.

Austin also announces that he's driving so when we all leave the house and head to the car I yell shot-gun, making Emily whine.

"I hate sitting in the back!'' she complains while pouting, once we all enter the car.

"Well you should've called shot-gun first!'' I tease her.

"Yeah right, Tori. You know you just wanted to sit next to this.'' Austin jokes, gesturing to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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