13 | Sleepover

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It was then when I realized that I was suppose to sleepover at Emily's house, which was also Austin's house. Well then.

"Austin.'' I say.

"Yeah?'' he says, turning his head to look at me.

"I totally forgot, I'm having a sleepover at your place. With Emily.''

"Great!'' he smiles.

I smile back and say, "Um, just stay here for a few minutes and let me go get my stuff.''

He nods and I rush into my house. The moment I walk in, I run to my mom who's in the kitchen, cooking. I then ask her if I could sleepover at Emily's. I had totally forgotten to ask my mom, but I knew she'd say yes anyways.

And I was right, she did say yes. She was too busy cooking to say anything else to me, so I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. I took a duffle bag and threw in some pajamas and a change of clothes. Then I went into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush.

I run back down the stairs and yell a good-bye to my mom, getting a be safe in return.

I open the door and slam it, speed-walking to Austin's car.

I enter the car and throw the duffle bag in the back.

"Back already, girlfriend?'' Austin teases.

"Yeah, yeah. Just drive.'' and with that, we make our way to his place.

"By the way, my parents won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. They have a business trip.'' Austin says. I nod and we continue with the drive.

For the rest of the ride, Austin and I crack jokes with each other. The car is filled with laughter and happiness.

We finally reach the house, and by the time Austin is about to park the car into the driveway, I yell, ''Race you to Emily!'' and with that, I push open the door and run out like a maniac. I already hear another car door slam and Austin's footsteps close behind me.

I'm about to turn the doorknob and run in to find Emily when I'm thrown over Austin's shoulder. I yelp and try to wiggle out of his hold but I fail miserably.

Austin easily opens the door, still carrying me.

I start to yelp again but a voice stops me.

"Well what do we have here?''

I turn my head and see Emily with a smirk on her face.

Austin and I freeze. And Emily circles us.

"You know, I don't like it when people keep secrets me from me.'' she begins, still circling us.

"W-what are you talking about?'' Austin stutters, slowly putting me down.

The thing is, we knew exactly what she was talking about.

I stand next to him and Emily stops circling us. She stands right in front of us now.

"Oh I think you know what I'm talking about.'' she says.

"Alright who told you?!'' Austin exclaims.

''Cole.'' so I was right. His name is Cole.

"Wow, word gets around pretty fast.'' Austin says, nudging me with a smile.

He seems proud, the weirdo.

"Let us explain.'' I say.

"I'm all ears.'' she says and we all sit down on the couch for story time.


After a while of me and Austin constantly interrupting each other to tell Emily everything that has happened, she smacks both our arms and says, ''You guys should've told me earlier. I don't get to know anything anymore!'' she pouts.

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