06 | The Rumor Part 1

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A/N: I know some of you readers are probally wondering why Tori is crushing on Nick when Austin is there. Sure, they have their moments but at the end of the day, she still likes Nick. Kinda, hehe. Plus, Austin and Tori have known each other for-ever, as friends ;)

After spending the rest of the day with Austin and Emily, I was really worn out. Emily didn't look too well while I was at her place so she's decided to not come to school tomorrow. When I went home, I did the usual, ate dinner with my parents, shower, brushed my teeth and then off to bed.


I was peacefully sleeping when I was interrupted by the extremely loud ring of my alarm clock. Time for school. Great.

I turned off the damn alarm clock and made my way downstairs. This time, I woke up early to have breakfast before getting ready. Pancakes. Yummy. The pancakes reminded me of when I was eating breakfast with Austin, yesterday. I'm probally smiling like an idiot right now but my parents won't and didn't notice, anyways. After eating and telling my parents, ''Good morning.", I made my way back upstairs and into the bathroom. I put on some music while I brushed my teeth and then took a shower. I was dancing in the shower... because this song was amazing! Wow, being my clumsy-self, I was surprised I didn't slip or something. Don't jinx it, Tori!

I stepped into my room and put on a red Hollister top and black jeans. Then some red Vans. After all that, I put my hair in a bun and headed downstairs. I grabbed my book bag and waved my mom and was about to tell my dad that I'm ready now and that he can get the keys when I noticed something rather strange. Actually, a someone. Austin.

There he was on the couch with my parents talking about school. Erm.

"Uhm. What's going on here?" I interrupting their conversation.

"Hey Tori. I'm here to take you to school... buddy." Austin said, casually. As if.

Austin already knows I have a car. Oh well. There's no harm in taking another ride with him...

"Okay. Let's go. Bye mom, bye dad."

"Bye sweety." they said in unison before I shut the door.

We stepped into the driveway and into the car.

"Nick's coming home later and coming back to school tomorrow, like I said," he said.

"Why is he rushing?"

''I don't know. I guess since school literally started a few days ago." he said.

"Yeah, I guess. So... why are you driving me to school?" I asked, curiously.

He just shrugged and we continued the car ride, which was quiet and awkward.

As we reached the school, we walked out of the car together. Austin, close to me. People were staring. Weird. Can't two friends, a boy and a girl walk together anymore? I guess not. Gosh.

We were walking into the school entrance when Austin said, ''I gotta go to my locker and class starts soon... so bye." he said, awkwardly.

"Bye." I said. Before leaving, Austin gave me a quick hug, causing even more people to stare. What? Can't a boy and girl hug? Jeez. People these days...

I walked to my locker. Locker 53. I put my combination into the lock a few times to unlock it. 23, 12, and than 30. I was getting my books for class and putting some away when two girls approached me. I didn't recognize them. At all.

"So, you and Austin are together, right?" the brunette said. What is going on in my life? Did I miss something?!

"No, no, no. We're just friends!" I said, slightly panicking.

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