14 | Saturday

78 6 2

This sleepover has been absolutely crazy. The night has consisted of endless yet playful arguments between Emily, Austin, and I. Also of tons of movies and board games.

It's pretty late now. About 2:13 a.m. to be exact. And we're in the middle of playing Monopoly.

We're all spread out on the carpet playing like a bunch of little kids. I'm currently losing, badly. I've never had much luck while playing Monopoly. Where as Emily and Austin are winning, but Austin  would be in the lead out of the two.

I yawn loudly, stretching my arms. My action is followed by Emily and Austin doing the same.

"Alright, I'm tired as hell. Can we sleep now?'' I whine, in my sleepy and a bit cranky state.

"Nooooooo. This night is just getting started!'' Austin yelps, full of energy.

How is he full of energy at 2:13 a.m.? I'm sorta dead right now...

"She's right. It's late, we're going to sleep now but please, be free to continue this game of Monopoly by yourself.'' she says sarcastically to Austin.

"C'mon guys, it's only 2. Can't we just finish this game up?'' he asks helplessly.

"Hell no.'' I simply say and with that, I get up, about to head to Emily's room.

"Loser.'' I hear Austin mumble as he slams his Monopoly money on the carpet.

"Let's go.'' Emily says, pulling on my arm into the direction of her room.

"Night.'' I say to Austin before I'm out of the living room.

We enter Emily's bedroom. And luckily for me, she has a bunk-bed so I don't have to sleep on the floor.

"I call top bunk!'' I yell, climbing up the latter like a little kid and collapsing on the bed.

"I was gonna give you the top bunk, anyways.'' she says, chuckling. She then lays down on the bottom bunk.

"Mhm.'' I say, hugging a pillow I found on the bed.

Austin comes in from the living room and says,'' Lights out ladies.'' and with that, he flicks off the light switch and closes the door.

I hear his footsteps fade, probably going into his room across the hall. I'm guessing he's going sleep, too.

"Night Tori.'' I hear Emily say.

I'm about to respond when a loud yawn escapes my mouth. I fall asleep before I can say anything else.


I wake up to the bright sunlight in my eyes. I didn't like it at all.

"Gahhh.'' is the only thing I say.

"Not a morning person, eh?'' a voice says.

I turn my head and see Austin sitting on Emily's bed.

"What are you doing here?'' I ask.

"I was just waiting for my lovely girlfriend to wake up.'' he says casually.

"That's a bit creepy, yeah?'' I say.

"Only a little.'' he mumbles. "Anyways, get up and have brunch with me.'' he says, getting up and pulling on my arm.

"But I'm still tired.'' I whine, pulling back my arm from Austin and throwing the covers over my head.

I don't hear any response from Austin. But I do hear footsteps going up the latter and then I feel the bed dip a little. Oh no...

"Then I'll just carry you, lazy.'' Austin says, picking me up and carrying me bridal-style.

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