08 | Truth Or Dare

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A/N: For all you Austin and Tori shippers, this is what you've been waiting for! And for you Nick and Tori shippers, don't worry. Things can change! ;)

I was honestly expecting for him to kiss me on the lips or even wimp out but to my surprise, Austin actually kissed me on the cheek. That was sweet that he didn't take advantage of the dare. He had warm and soft lips. Interesting, I must say.

"Yay!" squealed Emily as she clapped her hands. The rest of us remained silent.

"Ok Austin, now you choose." she added.

"I choose... Nick. Truth... or dare?" asked Austin.

"Truth." Nick said.

"Hmm... ok I got it. Have you ever farted in public but blamed it on someone else?" Austin asked, a big, cute smile on his face-- did I just say cute? Erm. Whatever.

Nick sighed and then grinned and said, "Yes, but who hasn't, am I right?" His answer made me and Em. giggle.

"It's you're turn to choose Nick." said Austin.

''I choose Tori. Truth or dare?" he asked. Hearing my name come out of his mouth was surprising and kinda nice... I loved it!

"Dare." I said.

"Ok. I dare you to prank-call... Tiffany!" he said. Really Tiffany? This will be fun.

"Here's her number." he added, giving me his cell phone. I took my phone and called her. She doesn't have or know my number so this was gonna be great! The only thing is, what to say?

I dialled the number and after a few rings, she finally answered. I froze at one point on figuring out what to say. I just chose to say something corny. Oh well.

"I-is your refrigerator running?" I asked. Then I put her on speaker.

"What? Y-yeah. I guess." she said.

"Well, you b-better go catch it!" I yelled before hanging up. To my surprise, she didn't even bother calling back.

"Tori. That was sad." Emily said, shaking her head.

"Shush Em." Austin said, elbowing her in the arm making her frown a little. He then shot me a smile and I happily returned him one.

"Now that I'm done, I choose my dear friend. Emily. Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth." she said, looking excited.

"Have you ever shopped in... retail?" I asked. I knew this question would bother her since I know the shopaholic she is.

She looked shocked, that just made me wanna laugh even more, which I did. She then had a serious expression on her face.

"Yes... yes I have." she said, whimpering a little.

"Wow." I said, along with Nick and Austin.

After another hour of truth or dare, my curfew was in twenty minutes so I asked Austin to drive me home, Emily coming along. We said our goodbyes to Nick and parted. We quickly drove to my house and I waved Emily and Austin goodbye. I literally was like one minute before my curfew.

I did my usual night routine and then went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

Beep, beep, beep!

Once again, school has come to annoy me for another day.

I did my morning routine. It was only Thursday. Yet, Friday was almost here. Yay!

I drove to school, this time by myself. I saw Emily waiting for me in front of school. No sign of Austin or Nick...

"Morning Em." I said.

"Morning. I'm sorry about the dare. It was just for fun." she said, she looked a little sad.

"Aww, Em. It's fine. It was kinda fun." I said, regretting saying it a little when Emily's eyebrows raised but before she could comment, Austin came out of no where and said, ''So Tori, you think my kisses are fun? Why, thank you darling!" he said, playfully puckering up his lips at me as I pushed him away.

"Yeah yeah." I said, trying my best not to blush. Which I didn't. Success!

The day flew by kinda fast. Class after class. The rumor had disappeared, it was like it was never existed in the first place. Austin was right. Tiffany wasn't here, too. So far, today was a good day! The bell rung for lunch! Yay.

We all sat together to eat at lunch. Me, Emily, Austin, and Nick. We were cracking jokes the whole time. Damn. Austin's one funny guy! I was in an awesome mood or so I thought...

The bell rung, meaning that lunch was over. Awh! All four of us exited the cafeteria. Emily waved goodbye as she took a left to biology while me and the boys walked to the right for physics. I was walking in the middle. Well then...

We walked in, people already were there. And so was Mr. Leroy to my surprise. He wasn't the one late for a change. Wow. Two days in a row!

"Come in you three. I'm about to announce the groups for this semester's project.'' he said, a smile on his face.

We nodded and took seats in the front.

"Since this class has only twenty-one students, there will be a total of seven groups. These groups can not be changed, I chose them specifically." Mr. Leroy started.

As he announced the first four groups, Austin explained what the project was about, to Nick, he nodded the whole time. I've noticed that none of our names were called, our meaning mines, Austin's and Nick's. Must be a coincidence. Please be a coincidence!

As Mr. Leroy announced another two groups, not saying any of names yet. Oh gosh. No, no, no!

"Last but not least, the seventh group will be Austin, Nick, and Tori. Good luck guys! You may all go into your groups now and discuss the project." he said. Dammit. I knew this would freaking' happen.

We gathered together. "I think we should do a power-point presentation on the study of protons, electrons, and neutrons." said Austin.

I was impressed by his suggestion. It was a pretty damn good idea!

"That's a great idea. Let's get together tomorrow or Saturday and start gathering info. and pictures." I added.

"Yeah, we should each pick one of the atoms Austin talked about and divide the work. Each of us could present an atom, one after another." Nick said.

"Great. Is tomorrow night okay?" said Austin.

Me and Nick both nodded. So far, so good.

 I pick electrons!" I blurted out.

" Neutrons." said Austin.

"I'm guessing I'm doing protons." Nick said, having me and Austin nod.

"So, it's settled..." by the time I said that, the bell rung. Time for my next class. After that my classes passed. I was finally done for the day. Tomorrow is Friday. TGIF. Well, not yet...

I drove home after telling Emily, Austin, and Nick goodbye. I'd be home alone until tomorrow afternoon because my parents needed to take a emergency trip to see my aunt. She just gave birth. Erm.

I was doing some research on my laptop in the living room when the door-bell rang. I walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I said as I was opening the door. Outside the door was... him.

A/N: Who do you think was outside the door? Nick or Austin? Or a new character? Find out next week ;D

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