Chapter 2

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I wake up long before my alarm goes off, and to be perfectly honest, I did not sleep very good at all, I think I got about 2 hours, and I although I feel OK now, I'm not tired at all at this very moment but I know it will be hell later on, but I just could not fall asleep, I'm so nervous for this day, I just hope that they don't make fun off me as I come into the classroom, or I don't fall down anywhere, I'm a clutch so falling down is a pretty natural thing to happen to me, I often get hurt in ways that no one gets hurt, but that is just typical me, It was a big part off me dropping out off gymnastics two years ago, I was always hurting myself, but it was a shoulder injury that sidelined me, but I'm all better now.

"Harry sweetheart, you need to wake up now, breakfast is on the table just waiting for you " my mom tells me as she opens the door to me room, looking over to me and she smiles at me. 

"yeah I will be down in just a sec" I tell her as I give her a smile

"you have huge bags under your eyes, are you feeling OK, did you sleep OK?" she asks me as she walks closer to my bed and sits down at the foot off the bed

"yeah I will be fine, I just did not get to much sleep"

"are you nervous?" my mom asks me as she takes me hand into hers, and even if I'm 16 years old I don't pull my hand away, I actually do want to hold my moms hand right now, because I feel like today is going to be horrible, but I can't think like that, because I need to be positive about this, otherwise it will be awful. 

"yeah, I just want people to like me, but it's just so hard to talk to people, I don't know what to say" I tell her

"you are going to be just fine, I know you are, you know you can do whatever you set your mind to"

"thanks mom" I tell her as she stands up, telling me that I have just about 15 minutes if I'm going to eat breakfast before I go, and I know I should eat something, I don't really want to faint on my first day, that would just be so awkward. I then walk to the bus stop to take the bus to the school, I'm not going to the same school as my younger siblings, and that just makes things even worse, I have to be completely alone and that scares me so much. I walk into my first class and sit down, I got a map off the school and that showed all the classroom and I also got my schedule and I got in my classroom before anyone else got there, thank god for that because now I did not have to ask for directions. I just sit down at the back off the class and hope to god that I don't have to tell the hole class my name later, I'm just going to try to lay low at the back, I don't want to be in the way and I don't want attention drawn to me either, I just take a deep breath as I see the other kids starting to wander in to the classroom. Today better be over quickly. 

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