Chapter 10

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Yuki sat in her room, staring silently out the window. Sure she was quiet but Yuki had hoped for more out of life than this. Being stuck in her room doing nothing. This was it, now or never. The brick she'd stolen from the extension being built on the school felt strangely comforting in her hand. She flung the brick full pelt at the window, and watched smiling as the glass shattered.

L crouched in his room eating panda cookies, when all of a sudden he heard shattering glass from one of the rooms down the corridor. Yuki's room...... Forgetting to put his battered shoes on, L ran full pelt along the corridor to find Yuki and a grinning girl with rainbow hair. That is a girl with rainbow hair climbing through the broken window, talking to herself about Matt. Wait, L recognised this girl from several years before.

"Link?" he asked to her.

"L? I thought you were dead?"

Ah so she was Link... L smiled to himself.

"I see you've dropped the pokemon pyjamas this time..." he said sarcastically.

Link blushed a little, mumbled something about finding cookies - and crawled under Tokyo's bed.

"Uhh has she always been like this?" Yuki nervously asked, as she heard Link scrabbling around.


Before L could finished what he was going to say he was interrupted by Link.

"Level up!" She shouted slightly muffled, and a hand holding a slightly crumpled bag of chocolate chip cookies emerged from under the bed.

L and Yuki stared at the girl slowly appearing from under the bed. Yuki took a step too far back and tripped over L's foot. A pair of slim, but strong arms caught her before she hit the floor.

A cough from just in front of Tokyo's bed reminded the pair they weren't alone.

"So you aren't gay with Watari then..." Link said, studying them while eating a cookie.

Yuki and L blushed at each other while Link backed out of the room to find Matt.

"I uhh hey L" stammered Yuki.

"You are interesting Yuki...." L smiled into the little Japanese girl's eyes.

Link burst back into the room again.

"Sorry forgot this." She said walking out of the room again holding a cucumber.

Another Chance (A Death Note Fan Fiction) (In editing)Where stories live. Discover now