Chapter 3

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All throughout forensics Mello thought about the two girls he'd just seen. That Tokyo girl was cute, but Kairi was HOT. No doubt about it. And she could stand up for herself too, which always got extra points in Mello's eyes. No. That was stupid. He was solitary, a lone wolf, yeah a wolf. Mello liked that. Mello's thoughts drifted to and from Kairi all through out forensics. Break time couldn't come soon enough for Mello.

He ran full pelt down the corridor to literally bump into Tokyo, Kairi and someone else. This girl with them looked Japanese, with her long black hair in high pigtails tied up with little hair bands that looked like cherries. She wore a slightly grubby, faded hoodie patterned with purple unicorns over a plain white shirt and black jeans. On her feet Mello noticed, as he looked away blushing, were red Converse hi tops.

"Oh hey, I saw you earlier!"

Mello looked up suudenly to see Tokyo talking to him.

"Sorry 'bout earlier that teacher is a right bitch, I'm Tokyo and his is Kairi and Yuki." she said, gesturing to each of her friends.

"I'm Mello." Mello said gruffly as he walked off, feeling annoyed with himself.

"O-o-o-ok then see you later Mello!" Tokyo stuttered after him. The girl was nervous. Good. She should be. Or so Mello thought.

Matt meanwhile was gearing up for a computing class. Now this would be easy. He knew everything there was to know about every computer.

He quickly slipped into the bathroom joined to his and Mello's room, and held up his shirt. Yep. Just as he suspected. There were several bullet scars dotted across him. Well what did he expect? Matt had them still on his face after all. He let go of the edge of his shirt he was holding up, adjusted his goggles and went. Maybe she was at this school! She was a genius after all (bordering on insane genius but never mind).

He slumped into a seat in the classroom and started hacking the system. Well they wouldn't know would they? He scanned the page of names. Luna... Luna... Nope. She wasn't there.

The same three girls that Mello was talking to a moment earlier came into the classroom and immediately started talking.

"-and then Kairi dragged me out the room while Mello just stared at us it was soooo embarrassing!"

"But Yuki you should've seen him with his sexy scar down one side of his face!!! It was sexy right Tokky?"

Matt flinched. Were they talking about his Mello? Stupid Matt! How many people were called Mello!

He checked the system he'd just hacked for them and sure enough their three pictures popped up. Hmm so the blonde girl was Tokyo Lee Talerico, the girl in platform boots was Kairi Rose Oliver, and the Japanese looking girl was Yuki Ryusaki. Interesting.... They all seemed to have got kicked out of their old schools for criminal damage - Tokyo by setting a supply closet alight, Kairi by carving her name into the overly plastered wall of the principal's office, and Yuki by spray painting a unicorn on the side of the school - damn these girls were crazily awesome. He stared at their pictures on the screen.

Suddenly a large shadow loomed over him. He turned to find Kairi, Yuki, and Tokyo staring at him with a look of fear and annoyance. He was in deep sh*t this time...

Another Chance (A Death Note Fan Fiction) (In editing)Where stories live. Discover now