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"Presenting Lady Emma and Lady Mary Margaret," the footman announced before everyone watched the pair walk down the stairs and into the ballroom. He gestured for the next pair to step forward. "Presenting Sir Sam and Lady Katherine."

A large smile appeared on Everly's lips as she watched the couple gracefully walk down the stone steps with their arms intertwined. It wasn't long after that when she felt a presence at her side, causing her to look over to find a grinning Henry standing next to her. She just stared at him in confusion for a moment before he laughed and held his hand out to her. "Need an escort?"

The smile on Everly's face instantly returned as she took her nephew's arm. Not even a second after that passed when the footman announced their entrance. "Presenting Sir Henry and Lady Everly."

They barely made it to the bottom of the staircase when the footman called for everyone's attention again. He waited until the ballroom was silent before making his final announcement. "Now presenting the Savior!"

Everly couldn't help but smile as she looked up at a very happy-looking Regina standing at the top of the staircase. Everyone soon applauded while Robin just stared at her in awe. It wasn't long after that when the Mills woman elegantly walked down to join them.

With the final announcements completed, the music began to play. Sam instantly took Katherine away to dance, leaving Everly with Henry. The two of them stood at the edge of the dance floor as they watched Regina and Robin dance before Leroy escorted Belle to dance. Everly's attention soon moved to Emma and Killian, who were dancing the way they did when they traveled back in time. Next to them David and Mary Margaret were dancing as if they never left the Enchanted forest.

The smile on Everly's face did nothing but grow as she looked over at Henry, only to find him staring off into the distance. She soon followed his gaze to the other side of the dance floor, where a young girl wearing a light blue dress stood. It only took the Jones girl a second to realize what was happening before a laugh passed over her lips. "You know you could just go talk to her."

"I think I'm going to need a better plan," the Mills boy responded right as David walked over and leaned against the railing beside them.

"You know you could just walk over there and introduce yourself," the Nolan man told his grandson, causing Everly to let out another laugh.

"I'll let you two talk," the Purest Heart said before walking to the other side of the ballroom. Once she found a place to stand, she watched as Henry approached the girl. He handed her a drink before their conversation began.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁵Where stories live. Discover now