•Chapter 12: The Bear and the Bow•

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After Belle and Rumpelstiltskin leave the shop on the run from their pursuer, Sam, Katherine, and I sit in the shop as we wait for Merida to come to. Once she does, she sits up quickly and looks around the shop.

"Where did they go?" she questions.

"I don't know," I tell her, "they took something out of the safe then left in his car."

"They're heading out of town," she realizes before she picks up her bow and arrows and heads for the door.

"Merida, please," Katherine begs, "don't do this."

"I have to," she whispers.

She then walks out of the shop before the three of us exchange looks before running out after her. After looking up and down the street, we finally spot her a ways away, talking to Emma. Once their conversation is finished, a cloud of black smoke surrounds her, most likely taking her to the town line, then Emma's gone.

"We need to follow her," Sam states, "before Belle gets hurt."

"Let's go," I say.

With a wave of my hand, we teleport to the road leading to the town where we see Merida holding up a bottle with a clear liquid inside.

"Remember what that does?" I ask.

"Yeah," Sam answers, not taking his eyes off of the woman with the potion.

"We need to stop her," Katherine says, "now."

Before any of us could move, Merida drinks the liquid in the bottle before her body spazzes a few times and then brown smoke surrounds her. When it clears, a huge black bear is in her place.

"Great," Sam sighs, "now what?"

"Now we have to get Belle and get out of here," I state.

Right as we were about to help Belle, she sprints into the woods with Merida-Bear on her trail.


We walked out from behind the rock and made our way down to the group of men with Katherine by Merida's side as the rest of us trailed behind her. As soon as we got down there, one of the three leaders, who Merida said was Young Macintosh, began to speak.

"Men," he said, "today we cement the rule of our three clans. With Merida's brothers out of the way and Merida in hiding, the DunBroch claim to the throne will be erased!"

The men began to cheer as Katherine and Merida loaded their bows.

"Not if we have any say in it!" Merida exclaimed, causing the men turned to face us as we approached with scowls on their faces.

"Merida?" Macintosh questioned.

"Let my brothers go," Merida told him, "unless you want to end up black as well as blue."

"You and what army?" he scoffed.

"This one," Merida whispered as she pulled out the vial and drank it before everyone watched her with eyes filled with confusion and fear.

"Just you wait," she hissed, "in a moment, you're going to be very, very sorry."

When nothing happened, all eyes stayed on her but lost their fear and began to stare at her, amused.

"Did you mix it right?" Merida asked Belle.

"Yes," she responded.

"But I switched the potion with water," Katherine stated.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁵Where stories live. Discover now