•Chapter 16: Life•

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As soon as I reach the door to the Sheriff's Station, Sam and Katherine are heading out.

"Everything okay?" Sam asks, "you look like you were hit by a bus."

"Gee, thanks," I sigh.

"What happened?" Katherine questions.

"A little yelling here, a little yelling there," I explain, "nothing new."

"We're heading back to Granny's to try and sleep," Sam says as he tries to change the subject, "care to join us?"

A smile makes its way to my face as I slowly nod before we head in the direction of the diner. As soon as Granny's comes into sight, all of our phones go off, causing us to groan before we all look at the message we got then at each other in shock.

Zelena's baby is coming.

As soon as the text message fulls sinks into our heads, we sprint in the direction of the hospital and, as soon as we enter, hear screaming coming from down the hall. Just then, Mary Margaret and Belle come rushing in the hospital and gesture for us to follow them to Zelena's room.

"Everybody get ready," Mary Margaret tells us, "we need to protect that baby from Emma."

"She's here?" Robin questions.

"She will be soon," Belle answers, "and we found that spell to destroy light magic in Merlin's spellbook."

She turns the book to show everyone the spell before my eyes widen in shock.

"The only thing she needs other than Excalibur is-"

"Cries of a newborn child," Regina finishes Mary Margaret's sentence.

"Well, she's not taking this baby," Robin states, "not while I'm still alive."

"Regina," Zelena grunts, "take this cuff off so I can defend myself and my child. Please."

"You are far from trustworthy," Regina retaliates, "but worry not. I'll protect the baby. What happens to you, well..."

"Just do something!"


Helplessly, we all watched as Zelena circled Emma like her prey.

"So, Dark One, who should I execute first?" Zelena asked, "hmm, your boyfriend or your father?"

Emma didn't respond as she looked to Killian before she help out a small box in front of her.

"You can have the flame," she stated.

"Zelena," Arthur said, "make sure that's real."

Zelena scoffed and opened the box, only for a black ribbon to come out of the box and forced Zelena against a tree, tying her to it.

"Now you want to give me my family?" Emma questioned Arthur, "or keep fighting?"

"Merlin!" Arthur called.

"Please, Emma," Merlin said, "give him the flame. This is a battle you cannot win."

Emma stared at him, determined, as Merlin shot his hands forward. Blue magic came out of his fingertips and towards Emma as she copied his move and shot orange magic right back at him. After two minutes of this, Merlin finally sent Emma to the ground.

"Merlin!" Arthur exclaimed, "kill her mother."

Merlin turned towards Mary Margaret and made a vine come down from the top of the tree she was tied to before it wrapped around her neck and began to choke her.

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