•Chapter 14: Excalibur•

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After reliving the worst day of my life, we all walked back inside the diner to see everyone crowded around the table. As we approached, we saw a map of Arthur's castle in the center of the table.

"Okay," Regina sighed, "what's the plan?"

"Take him by surprise," David answered, "go in through the front gate."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zelena place her hand on her forehead and sit up in disbelief.

"Well, after our jailbreak, they'll be on high alert," Killian stated, "we need a diversion at the drawbridge."

"I'm assuming that's where we should come in," I said as I gestured to Sam, Katherine, and me.

"Right as always," Killian smirked, "the rest of us will climb the wall of the side."

"Are you forgetting?" Regina grunted, "I have magic. I can just poof into Arthur's bedroom."

Zelena scoffed and we all turned to her before she gestured to her throat.

"Well," Regina sighed, "if you're going to make a scene, you might as well make noise."

With a wave of her hand, Zelena's voice was returned.

"Oh! Thank you," Zelena smiled, "I do love hearing a sensible person talk."

"Spit it out," Regina demanded, "what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking going in the front," she looked to David, "suicide, diversion," she then looked to Killian, "Arthur hides the sword, you need it on him," Zelena then turns to Regina with a smirk, "and you could poof right in front of a blade. Oopsie! You need to sneak in so quietly...no one knows you're there."

"How?" Sam asked, "hang glider?"

"Oh," Katherine pretended to act shocked, "giant slingshot!"

"If the little devils would let me speak," Zelena hissed as Sam, Katherine, and I smirked, "I'd tell you that I wasn't idle during those days in there playing mute handmaiden at Regina's side. I was plotting an escape."

"I knew it," Regina grunted.

"And I found a way out," Zelena continued, "and if I know a way out, I know a way in."

"You're going to help us?"

"Of course, because you're going to help me," she responded as she showed us her wrist with the cuff on it, "I want my magic back."

Everyone exchanged glances as we tried to figure out what to do before we finally agreed then followed Zelena to the far end of the castle where a gate was blocking a tunnel.

"It's a tunnel, abandoned for years," Zelena explained, "it will take you to the courtyard."

"Well, if it's so good," Killian said, "why didn't you escape through it?"

"Observe the massive metal grate. See, without magic, I'm a delicate thing."

"Well, it leads in the right direction," David stated, "looks like your information is good. At least this far."

"Thank you," Zelena responded, "now I've done my part. You can do yours," she held up her hand, "take of this cuff."

"For all we know, this leads to the guards' quarters," Regina spat, "we make it out safe with the sword, then we'll talk. Mary Margaret, how do you feel about guard duty?"

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