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"So what are we going to do about Harry?" Katherine asked as they sat in the room Arthur gave them. Night had finally fallen and they were getting ready for bed, but none of them wanted to sleep without talking about the Bensen boy first. "What even happened between you three on Neverland?"

"We sent him away because he threatened to do the same thing he's doing now. Hurt everyone in his way," Sam explained before letting out a sigh and falling backward on his bed, "luckily, his threat included the whole island, which is how we got help from Pan."

Everly tuned out the rest of their conversation as she looked out the window. It's not that she didn't want to be involved in their discussion, she did. But her mind had too many thoughts in it for her to focus. So instead she watched as a boy went into the stables to pull out one of the horses to groom. He was only brushing it for a moment before he froze. The next thing the Jones girl knew, he looked up the window as if he knew she was watching him. But what Everly didn't expect was to find Harry staring back at her. She let out a gasp while stepping away from the window. After taking a moment to steady her breathing, she looked over at Sam and Katherine, only to find them fast asleep.

But now Everly was wide awake and unable to even think about going to bed. So instead she walked out of the room and into the hallway. It wasn't long before she noticed a faint light coming from another room, causing her to make her way toward it. She was surprised to find Emma sitting at the desk carving a stick. The Jones girl just watched for a moment before her sister's body tensed. The next thing Everly knew, the Swan woman stood up and turned toward the door. She quickly hid behind the nearest statue right before Emma walked out of the room. The Purest Heart kept her eyes glued to the Dark One as she walked down the hall before quietly following her.

Even though the floor creaked under Everly's feet, Emma never turned around. It wasn't long before they found themselves in another dark empty room. The Jones girl stayed hidden as she watched her sister stop in front of a cabinet before opening it to reveal the Dark One dagger. Emma just stared at it with a blank expression on her face, making Everly think she was listening to her imaginary friend. What felt like an eternity passed before the Swan woman slowly reached for the dagger, only for a force of magic to send her hand flying back.

"I can't. Leave me alone," Emma whispered before falling silent as she continued to stare at the Dark One dagger, "get out of my head!"

Not even a second after that passed when her sister shot a magical beam at the doorway, nearly hitting Killian. The pirate captain's presence caused Everly to sink further behind the chair she was using to hide, knowing she would get a lecture if he knew she was there.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁵Where stories live. Discover now