•Chapter 15: The Fight•

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After arriving back at the loft after helping out Merida, everyone informs us how Arthur tried to get rid of the Crimson Crown, which was used by Henry to talk to Merlin after they found it in the fire. After David, Killian, and Robin decide they need to go after Arthur, Sam, Katherine, I join them before we arrive at the King's camp. Once the truck comes to a stop, we jump out the bed of the truck as David, Killian, and Robin get out of the front.

"That's Arthur's tent," David states as we approach one of the tents, "I'll go in first. You guys stand guard."

"And if our dishonest king should put up a fight?" Robin asks.

"We'll make him wish he hadn't," Killian answers as David enters.

"Glad to have you back, Everly," Robin says as he slings an arm around my shoulder.

"I agree," Killian adds as he puts his arm around me as well, "I hated having you on the opposite side."

Before anyone can say another word, we hear a bang coming from the tent.

"He's getting away!" David yells.

As soon as David's words reach us, Killian runs to the back of the tent and chase after Arthur before Sam, Katherine, and I follow. Once we all get in the clearing, we see Killian on the ground and Arthur about to strike.

"No!" I yell as a black cloud appears and Emma blocks Arthur's sword with Excalibur, making Arthur lose his sword, before she aims Excalibur at his chest as he stares at it in disbelief.

"It's whole," he whispers as he looks to Emma.

"Yes, it is," she answers, "but it's not going to help you. This sword doesn't control anyone now."

With a flick of her wrist, she sends Arthur flying through the air and crashing into a tree, knocking him unconscious before Sam, Katherine, and I rush over to help Killian up as he lets out a sigh.

"I suppose I should say thank you," he says to Emma as she begins to walk away.

"You don't need to say anything," she states, "just don't do that again."

"I should apologize for what I said that day aboard my ship," he tells her as the rest of us look at him in confusion.

"For when you refused to accept me or when you said you did not love me?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that."

"Doesn't matter. I'm the Dark One."

"You're more than the Dark One. You're still you. You saved me. That was Emma."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to help you and I need your help to do it," Killian answers, "who is Nimue? How can she help defeat the darkness?"

"Nimue doesn't matter anymore," Emma tells him, "this will all be over tomorrow."

"What will be over?! And why do you need that sword?!"

Instead of a response, Emma just stares at us in silence.

"Ah," Killian laughs, "all this power, and you don't even have the courage to answer one simple question! Why do you need Excalibur?!"

After staring at him for a moment longer in silence, Emma turns and walks away as Killian continues.

"I know you're still in there, Emma, and I know that despite everything, you always have your reasons!"

"You're right I do!" she screams without facing us, "you want to know why I'm doing all this?!" she turns and looks Killian directly in the eyes, "I'm doing it for you."

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