New Years (Grayson)

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"y/n, come ooooon. You can't expect me to let you stay home and do nothing for New Years, come to my brother's party with me. It'll be fun." your friend Cameron texts you. She's always trying to get you out to parties and what not.

"I guess you're not taking no for an answer, are you?" you asked " you know me to well" she replied "Alright, fine. I'll see you on Saturday." You replied.

* * *

It was Saturday evening and you were beginning to get ready. You dressed in a nice blouse, skinny jeans, and a pair of boots. Just as you finished doing your makeup and hair, you heard a knock on your door. You answered to find Cameron standing on your porch.

"You ready to go?" She asked. You nodded and followed her out to her car. After about twenty minutes, you pulled up to a huge house with lights and cars all over the place.

"Good to know we're not the first one's here." You said.

"Yeah, I always hated being the first person at parties." She agreed. You walked up to the front door and went in.

"CAMERON!" You heard voices call.

"Hey boys." She said as she hugged the two guys that had just come up to her. "(Y/N), these are my brothers, Ethan and Grayson. Guys, this is my friend (Y/N) that I was telling you about the other day." Cameron said as she introduced you.

"Are you two twins? You look a lot alike." You asked awkwardly.

"Yes, but I'm older." Ethan said.

"And he's never let me live that down." Grayson added with a laugh. Ethan and Cameron walked off and you stood there awkwardly with Grayson.

"So, it's nice of you to come, we're glad to have you here." Grayson said as he sat down on the sofa, and you sat next to him.

"I'm not really into parties, but Cam somehow convinced me to come." You laughed.

"She does have a way with words." Grayson agreed. You and Grayson sat there for the longest time, just chit chatting about different things, and you were hitting it off very well.

"So, you ever had a new years kiss?" He asked. You shook your head.

"No. I've always seemed to be single on new years." You said.

"Me either. Well, aside from like my mom or my grandma on the cheek." Grayson said.

"Yeah, same." You laughed. After a while, Grayson got up to go to the restroom, and you went to the kitchen to get a refill on your drink.

"Hmmm, I see you and Grayson have been inseparable all night." She said.

"He's real nice, and he's funny. And he's easy on the eyes." You laughed.

"Well, he's my little brother, so I can't say that I agree, but I'm glad you like him. He's been asking me to introduce you to him for the longest time." Cam said.

"Really? Me? Why?" You asked.

"I posted a picture of us on my instagram a while ago and he started texting me, asking who you were, and asking when I was gonna let him meet you and all this other stuff. And then he told me him and Ethan were gonna throw this New Year's party, I figured it was the best opportunity." She said. Just then, Grayson stood in the middle of the living.

"Alright everyone, it's almost midnight. We have champagne in the kitchen, and sparkling apple juice for the under 21′s. So, get yours before the countdown." He said. You walked out of the kitchen as everyone else crowded around, pouring themselves champagne before midnight.

"Champagne, m'lady?" Grayson asked as he handed you a flute.

"Oh, no, I don't drink. And I don't like champagne anyway." You said.

"Well, neither do I, to either of those, but it's New Year's. C'mon." He said.

"Alright, fine." You laughed. At 11:57, Ethan flipped the TV to "New Year's Rockin' Eve" so you could all countdown to the new year and watch the ball drop in NYC.

"15 Seconds!" Grayson announced.











HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" Everyone cheered as the clock struck midnight.

"Cheers." You said to Grayson as you and him clinked your flutes together.

"Happy New Year." Grayson said with a smile. You smiled up at him and pecked him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He asked with a confused look on his face

"Now you've had your first new years cheek kiss aside from your mom, or your grandma." You said with a smile. Ethan laughed at you and pulled you in for a hug.

You two enjoyed the rest of the night together and as it neared three in the morning, you and Cameron ended up spending the night. Once you got into the bed in on of the guest room, you immediately fell asleep, ending the best New Year's you've had in a long time.

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