Late Night Dance Party (Ethan)

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Your parents were going out of town for a business trip and your boyfriend, Ethan, was sleeping over at your house, just to keep you company. You and him had just finished a movie and were getting ready for bed. After you changed into your pajamas, you walked back into your bedroom and saw that he was already lying down in bed. You got into the bed next to him and he nuzzled his chin into the nape of your neck.

"I'm so glad you could come over. I would've gone crazy in this house by myself all weekend." You said as you rolled over you face him.

"Me too. Being able to spend the weekend, just me and my girl. Couldn't have asked for a better weekend." Ethan said, kissing your nose. You laughed at him and rolled back over to turn out the light. You felt Ethan's arms wrap around your waist as he placed a kiss to your temple. He rested his head on top of yours and you slowly began to fall asleep.

After a few hours, you were jolted awake from a nightmare. You were crying and were drenched in sweat.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Ethan asked as he sat up to turn on the lamp on his bedside table, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You just shook your head, unable to form words. Your mouth was dry and your hands were shaking. You didn't remember what the dream was about, all you knew was that it was one of the worst nightmares you've ever had. Ethan noticed that you couldn't speak so he just held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth.

"Can you turn on some music? Music always cheers me up." You said. He nodded and turned on his speaker, turning on a song that he knew you liked. He kissed you on the cheek as he got up to go to the bathroom. You laid in bed and rubbed your eyes, trying to rid your mind of the thoughts of your nightmare. As Ethan walked back into the room, he started dancing to the beat of the music, trying to cheer you up. You laughed at him as he took your hand in his, starting to dance around the room. When the chorus of the song came on, he jumped up on your bed and started lip syncing as if you were an audience that he was performing for. He pulled you up onto the bed and you just started jumping around, dancing to the music, and pushing all the negative thoughts out of your head. After about half an hour of dancing around your bedroom, you ended up tiring yourself out.

"Are you feeling any better?" Ethan asked as you began to settle back into bed.

"So much. I'm glad you were here." You said, running your fingers through his hair.

"So am I. I don't like seeing you upset, and you know I'll do anything to take care you. I love you." He said, kissing you softly.

"I love you too." You said, kissing him again. Ethan turned out the light and you nuzzled into his chest as you slowly began to fall asleep.

"Good night baby." He said

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