Babysitting pt.1

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Grayson had been very busy the past week meaning you guys couldn't see each other at all. He finally found some spare time for you two to hang out together, and you both couldn't wait to see each other again. Suddenly you got a text from Grayson saying, "I can't wait to finally hold you in my arms again." You couldn't help but smile from the message. You were about to respond when you heard your mom call you downstairs. You locked your phone and left it on your bed as you made your way down the stairs. "Sweetie, your Aunt Mary just called. Her babysitter cancelled and your cousin Spencer is going out, so he can't watch Gianna and Michael. I told her that you were free to watch them tonight, and she said to be over there by 6, ok?" your mother informed you. "Why would you do that, mom? Grayson is finally free, and we are going to hang out tonight," you argued. "Well I'm sorry honey, but your Aunt Mary needs you. You cancelled on her last time for Grayson, and you can't do that two times in a row. Besides I already told her yes." "Well what am I supposed to tell Grayson then? I can't just cancel on him." "How about you just invite him to babysit with you? You know the kids go to sleep around 8:30 anyway, so you guys will have a few hours to be alone while you're there." "Ugh fine." You turned around and made your way back up to your room to see another text from Grayson. You unlocked your phone and saw that it said, "Aren't you excited to see me too baby?" You silently awed at the message loving how sweet he was. You decided to call him to explain what happened because it would be easier and because you could also hear his lovely voice. It rang twice before he picked up. "Hello darling," Ethan answered smiling. "Hey baby, so there may have to be a slight change in plans," you slowly said. "What do you mean, (Y/N)? We've been planning this for a week now, and I really want to see you again." "Well you still can; it's just that my aunt called and said that she needed a babysitter last minute and my mom said yes and I cancelled on her last time to hang out with you, so now I have to go and I'm so sorry abou-" "(Y/N), you don't need to apologize. I'm perfectly fine with babysitting your cousins as long as I get to spend time with you. Besides don't girls like seeing guys with kids? It will make you want me even more," he said jokingly. You giggled and said, "just pick me up at 6, and we can leave my house from there, ok?" "Whatever you say, buttercup" "Ok, I'll see you later then" "Goodbyeeeee," Grayson sang. "Bye," you said hanging up laughing at your amazing boyfriend. TIME SKIP TO WHEN GRAYSON GETS TO YOUR HOUSE You heard a car honk and saw Grayson in his jeep outside. You told your mom goodbye and ran out of the front door. You opened the door and sat down inside. "It's nice to finally see you again, gorgeous," Ethan greeted you. You leaned over the center console and kissed him. "Ready to go," he asked. You nodded your head and headed over to your aunt's house. You got there just in time and opened the door and yelled for your Aunt Mary. "Oh thank you so much, (Y/N). You saved me from cancelling a very important date with you know whom," she said as she smirked. Her eyes drifted to Grayson and she introduced herself to him. I told her that he was my boyfriend and she turned to me and terribly whispered, "He's coming to babysit with you. You better not let him go." I blushed and faced the ground in embarrassment when I suddenly felt an arm go around me waist and heard Ethan say, "Don't worry about that. There's no way I'd ever let that happen." "He's perfect for you, (Y/N), but I really have to go now. I left money on the counter for pizza later. I'll be back around 11:30. Love you!" she said while running out to her car. I turned to Ethan and said, "Ready to meet our kids for the night?" "Our kids? I like the sound of that," Ethan said while following me into the living room. "Children your most favorite person ever is here with a special friend for you to play with," you announced. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" your cousins yelled grabbing onto your legs. "Who are you?" your 5 year old cousin, Michael, asked. "Hey little man, I'm Grayson," Grayson introduced himself. "(Y/N), is he your boyfriend," Michael's 7-year-old sister, Gianna, asked while tugging on your pants. Before you could answer Ethan interrupted, "If I weren't her boyfriend, would I be allowed to do this," he questioned while pulling you into him and giving you a big kiss. You pulled away after hearing the two kids groaning and laughed at their innocence.

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