String Bean

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Part 1: Chapter 2

Today was the first day of training camp and four days away from the fated match against Nekoma, Karasuno's all time rival in volleyball. It has been a week since you started school at Karasuno High and let's just say this past one week had been very interesting when you found out you shared the same class with a certain string bean.


Practice was finally over and you were helping to clean up when Hinata asked. "(Name)-san, will you be attending school here at Karasuno?"

Placing the volleyballs in your arms into the trolley, you happily replied. "Yeap, I will be attending school at Karasuno and tomorrow is offically my first day in school. I can't wait!"

Kageyama who was silent until now spoke up. "What class will you be in?"

Turning your attention to him, you answered. "I will be in Class 1-4, the collage preparatory class. How about you Kageyama-kun?"

Before Kageyama could replied you, a certain string bean cut in. "Oh, looks like we will be in the same class as this munchkin Yamaguchi. I'm amazed that she managed to get into that class considering how small her brain is. I mean, with that tiny body of hers, it's not like that is much space for her brain."

Your eye twitched as you glared at the tall blonde in front of you who was smirking down at you while Yamaguchi stood to his side, trying to contain his laughter. Before you could say anything or react, Hinata jumped in to defend you.

"Oi is that how you treat (Name)-san? It's not nice!"

Tsukishima just sneered at Hinata as he replied smartly. "It's not like you're that smart to begin with, Chibi-chan. Be careful munchkin, I heard that idiocy is contagious."

Tsukishima directed his last sentence towards you. Hinata and Kageyama were about to defend you when suddenly, they felt an unanimous aura coming off you. Your face was black as waves of anger rolled off you having the two first years slowly backing away, fearing for their lives. Quite frankly, you reminded them of their captain whenever he was pissed. Meanwhile Yamaguchi gulped as he stared at you and Tsukishima, not sure to flee or stay by his friend side. As for Tsukishima, he was smirking at the look on your face which only caused you to be more angry. Before anyone could said to break the tension, you were flying through the air as you hurled yourself at Tsukishima whose eyes widen at your behavior as he was not expecting that at all.

The rest of the players were cleaning up when they heard a loud screech coming from near the storage room where they kept all their equipment. Turning around they were met with the sight of Kageyama and Hinata trying to pull you off Tsukishima while Yamaguchi who was having a difficult time trying to free his friend. You had a very tight grip on Tsukishima as you tried to claw at his face, leaving the poor boy to defend his face against your nails. Everyone stood frozen at their spots as they were more amazed at the fact that you managed to reach Tsukishima's face when he was clearly a head taller than you rather than you trying to scratch his face off.

"(Name)-san, please let go of Tsukki. I'm sure he didn't mean it." Yamaguchi pleaded, but you were deaf to his words as you tried to make it your mission to claw off the string bean's face. Meanwhile, Daichi and Sugawara as well as the rest of the players who regained their senses tried to pull the two of you apart. Kiyoko who was clearing the water bottle earlier on, rushed to find Ukai and Takeda who were talking outside of the gym. The players were still trying to pull both you and Tsukishima apart when suddenly you felt someone hit you on your head, causing you to release your hold on Tsukishima as you collapsed on to the floor in pain. Grabbing your head and with tears in your (E/C) eyes, you turned to glare at whoever had the nerves to hit you on your head. However, you froze at the sight before you.

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