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Part 2: Chapter 14 

You stood outside the Tsukishima's household, not sure if you should ring the doorbell or not. It was Saturday, the day where Tsukishima promised to help you in your math for the upcoming finals. Right now, you were having a mental debate if you should ring the bell or not to notify the Tsukishimas that there is someone standing outside their house.

'What could possibly go wrong if I ring the bell? Oh, maybe the fact that I was supposed to meet string bean at the park instead of his house. What is the worst that can happen?' You thought to yourself, pacing back and forth as you contemplate if you should ring the bell or not.

Who knew that ringing the bell could be such a hard decision to make?


You froze in mid-pace as you heard your name being called by none other than Tsukishima. You turned to face Tsukishima with a nervous smile on your face as he simply raised his brows at you, a confused look on his face. "What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the park. Wait, how do you even know where I stay?"

At the last sentence, Tsukishima's confusion shifted to suspicion as he narrowed his golden eyes. You straightened your body as your (e/c) eyes dart right and left, refusing to meet the blond's piercing glare. As the silence dragged on, you could feel Tsukishima's glare burning a hole into your back as he silently demanded an explanation.

You gathered your courage as your (e/c) eyes met with Tsukishima's golden ones, searching for any signs of anger. When you found none, you sheepishly explained. "Er...I might or might not have ask Yamaguchi for your address."

Tsukishima simply sighed, used to your randomness and walked into his house, calling after you. "I'm not even going to bother asking why. Just come in already."

"Yes sir!" You cheerfully said as you followed after Tsukishima, removing your shoes before stepping into the house.

"Pardon my intrusion."

You nervously mumbled as you unconsciously moved closer towards Tsukishima, feeling uncomfortable at a house that is not yours. Tsukishima raised his brows as you clutched onto his shirt tightly as you hid behind him, only your head peeking out from the side to take in your surrounding. The blond found your behavior strange, considering you are usually excited to meet new people or being in a new environment.

"Kei, who is that?"

A tall male with blond hair, a few shades darker than Tsukishima's own hair entered the living room. You slowly began to emerge from behind Tsukishima, curious as to what relation does Tsukishima has with this male. Older brother? From the looks of it, this male is taller than Tsukishima and let's just say if you thought Tsukishima is tall, this guy is a giant. Sometimes being short sucks.

The male has a small smile on his face as he introduced himself, knowing that Tsukishima wouldn't bothered to introduce him. "Hello there, my name is Tsukishima Akiteru. I'm Kei's older brother. Are you his friend?"

"It's none of your business, Akiteru-nii. Let's go munchkin." Tsukishima glowered at his older brother as he pushed you behind his back, trying to hide you from Akiteru.

You glanced at Akiteru as his smile faltered slightly at his younger brother's harsh comment, before recovering with a smile that seemed forced this round. However, you could tell that string bean's words had hurt Akiteru, the pain and hurt reflected in his golden eyes. Rage filled you at how Tsukishima acted cold towards his older brother, but there must be a reason behind why the blond was acting this way so you weren't quick to jump to conclusion.

You introduced yourself to Akiteru with a smile and an outstretched hand which was shook by Akiteru. "Hello there! I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier on. My name's Ukai (name) and I'm string bean's friend even though he always deny so. Nice to meet you."

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