Please read this.

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I know many of you aren't expecting to hear from me again in this story because it was completed years ago, but lately, due to some stuff happening, I have no other choice. A few of you have brought to my attention that there are other authors taking "Hatsukoi" and claiming it as their own original work without my permission. 

Sure, they may have changed some parts here and there, but it's still obvious that it's my original work and I don't appreciate that. Usually, I'm open to others wanting to take my work and have their own take on it as long as they ask me for permission and uphold their end of the agreement by giving me the due credit in their works. 

However, from today onwards when I published this author's note, I won't be doing that anymore because an author, who I previously gave permission, stopped doing exactly that and I'm not happy it. I won't mention names as I have already informed them about the situation and we'll see how it goes from there.

The reason I'm writing this author's note is that I want to let you, my dear readers, know that there are people out there plagiarising my work so that you are aware of it and if you come across any works that are similar to mine, please do bring it to my attention. 

As for those who copy my work or any other writers' works, please either ask for permission from the original author or just don't do it at all. It's not nice to take someone else's hard work and claim it as your own. 

To end things off, I just want to thank those, you know who you are, for bringing this issue to my attention and to my other readers, thank you for your continuous support towards Hatsukoi as well as my other works.

I love you all and hope to see you in my other stories. As always, happy reading!



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