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A week ago, I mentioned that I'll be having a Q&A where I'll be answering your questions. So, without further ado, let's just jump straight in!



1. How did you get into Haikyuu?

It's a rather funny story as to how I got into Haikyuu. A friend of mine who was a huge fan of Haikyuu was sharing about this anime with me and asked me to check it out. At first, I kept telling her I'll do it, but I didn't because I thought I wouldn't be interested in it. However, one day I was bored and had no other animes to watch so I decided to give Haikyuu a try. The next thing I know, I've fallen into a deep hole also known as the Haikyuu fandom. 

2. Do you watch any more anime other than Haikyuu?

Yes, I definitely do watch other animes besides Haikyuu! Haikyuu's one of my all-time favourite animes. I've watched other animes from almost every genre known to mankind. 

3. How do you get your ideas?

Honestly, I've no other way of putting it this way, but I mainly get my ideas from daydreaming. Whenever I watched an anime that I really, really liked, I'll always like to place myself as a character in the anime - imagining different scenarios of myself as a character in the anime. 

Then if I want these scenarios to come to live, I simply just write them as fanfiction. Hence why I always opt for writing reader-insert fanfictions. 

4. Have you watched Shokugeki no Souma (Food War), Magi or Free?

Out of these 3 animes, the only that I've watched is Free. Of course, I do know about the other two animes, it's just that I've yet to watch them. 

5. Can one answer a question with another question that has a question inside of a question that is already in a question? Can you answer this question for me?

Whatever do you mean?

6. How far did you think you'd get with this book?

I honestly have no idea. Like I originally stated, I only started writing this book for fun to feed my own imaginations. Sure, it'll be nice to have many reads, but it isn't something that I set my hopes on. So, to answer your question, I really have no clue. I guess my goal is to reach a 100K reads, but other than that, I'm not sure. 

7. What kind of personality do you have? Can we be friends? How old are you? Have you tried boba tea? If so then what's your favourite flavour?

Woah! This is a lot of questions in one go, but I did mention there isn't a limit to the no. of questions one can ask me. Well, here you go. 

My friends have says that I'm a very bubbly and friendly person which I'm not going to lie, but that's the case if I've known you for a long time. In actuality, I'm a very shy and quiet person. Just think of me like a hermit crab. 

Of course, we can be friends! I'm 18 as of 2018. It's actually very easy to guess my age if you know which year I'm born in. I'm born in 2000 which means my age is usually the last 2 digits of the year. 

Yeap, I've tried boba tea! We actually don't call it "boba tea" from where I'm from, we called it "bubble tea" instead but I guess they mean the same, just different names. My classic all-time favourite will have to be milk tea with pearls (that's what we call those black rounded things found in the drink in my country). 

8. I've been trying to get into writing little one-shots or drabbles for a while, but I have a very hard time with finding inspiration. Do you have any tips?

Hmmm, for me, I get my inspiration from the things that I come across in my life - be it whether I hear or see it. I look at things from many various angles or perspectives and talk to myself (as crazy as that sounds), but it really helps me to come up with ideas. For example, the last chapter of Hatsukoi when Tsukishima and Reader-chan confessed to one another, I got that idea from watching the last episode of Kaijou wa maid-sama when the main characters confess for one another.

So, my advice to you is to be open-minded when you hear and see, especially see the things in your life because who knows, you may find inspiration in areas where you least expected it.

9. Are you planning on making another X Reader for the members of Haikyuu, and if so who?


As for now, I don't have any plans on making another Haikyuu reader-insert fanfic. But if I do, I'll love to write a Oikawa x Reader fanfic because who doesn't love that narcissistic shittykawa. 

So, that was all the questions being asked. I hope that this Q&A has allow you to get to know me better!

I'll see y'all in my stories! Happy Reading!


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