Thank You!

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Hello lovely readers of mine,

We've finally come to an end to this story! *throws confetti everywhere*

This is my first very completed story ever since I discovered my love for writing. I started this story on 5th April 2017 and completed it on 27th January 2018. I had fun writing this story for the last 10 months, bringing the characters to life in a different way. The reason why I started this story is because I love Haikyuu and it became one of my most favorite anime ever. I choose Tsukishima as he is my favorite character from Haikyuu. I was drawn to his tsundere attitude.

Even though I put in a lot of hard working into writing this story, I couldn't have done it without my lovely and awesome readers. You guys were the one who kept me going, encouraging and supporting me. Every time I upload a new chapter, I always refreshed the page over and over again so I could read your comments. Your comments have made me laugh and smile as well as learn new things. Your comments never failed to make me impressed. Like seriously guys. Some of the things you guys say is out of this world.

So, I'm dedicating this "thank you" note to all my readers out there who shared, voted and commented on Hatsukoi. Thank you for giving so much love and support to this story, I really appreciated it a lot. The saying goes to my other stories as well. I know the updates can take quite long as I can be lazy busy sometimes, being a student and all. I'm really thankful for your patience and understanding.

I really couldn't thank all of you enough.

Although this story may have been completed, that doesn't mean this is the end. No, I won't be writing a sequel because I feel that ending the story here is the way to go.

All in all, thank you for sticking by me and this story for the last 10 months. I wish I can give you all hugs in reality, but that will be kinda hard. So, instead have a virtual hug! *hugs* Thank you for everything and I love each and one of you. Until then, I'll see all of you in my next story!



Hatsukoi (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now