Carrothead-kun and His Gang

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Part 1: Chapter 6 

"Alright class, please settle down. I have an announcement to make." Your homeroom teacher announced as she placed her things on the desk, facing her students.

Everyone returned to their seat, wondering what their teacher has to tell them. It was after lunch break and you were discussing with Yamaguchi on how he can improve on his float serve while Tsukishima took a short nap when your teacher came in.

"Tsukishima-san, can you please wake up and keep your headphones?" Your teacher said as everyone shifted their attention to the blonde who was sleeping away.


Yukino-sensei was met with silence as Tsukishima slept on, an irk mark appearing on her forehead. The reason Tsukishima wasn't responding was because music was playing loudly from his headphones, blocking out all outside noises.

You snickered as Yukino-sensei approached Tsukishima, having enough patience. You watched with glee as your teacher pulled off Tsukishima's headphones and shouted into his ear.


Upon his name being called, Tsukishima's body shot up as he glanced around in confusion, his glasses askew. Not being able to contain yourself, you started laughing out aloud as everyone joined in. After all, it's not everyday that the smartest student in class get called out for sleeping in class. At this point you were rolling on the floor laughing non-stop as a light blush settled on Tsukishima's face. He glared at you as you stopped laughing and in a sing-song voice, you said.

"Looks like someone is in trouble~"

Tsukishima was about to retort back when Yukino-sensei spoke in a loud voice, shutting the whole class up. "If you don't stop laughing, everyone will stay back to clean up the school gym!"

All the students paled at their teacher's threat and immediately faced the front, not daring to breathe a single word. Yukino-sensei gave a nod before facing Tsukishima once more, a stern look on her face.

"Tsukishima-san, you are to stay back after school to clean up the classroom."

"But I have volleyball training." Tsukishima protested, feeling a bit panicky that he had to miss out on practice what with the inter-high prelim just around the corner.

"It's not like you care much for practice anyway." Tsukishima glared at you as you muttered under your breath.

Unfortunately for you, Yukino-sensei heard your remark and decided to issue the same punishment to you as well.

"Since Ukai-san had something to say, she will join you in staying back to clean up the classroom as well."

"But sensei, I can't! I have volleyball-"

"You can attend your training after you have clean the classroom. The faster you clean, the faster you finish. End of discussion." Your teacher cut you off before heading back to the front of the class.

(Y/B/F) looked at you with pity in her eyes as you slumped against the chair, your soul could be seen leaving your mouth. Your brother is so going to kill you once he found out why you were late to training. Tsukishima just smirked at you as he said.

"Serves you right for laughing at me. You deserve it after all."

You turned to glare at the megane, scowling. "Shut up string bean! You are in the same boat as me."


At this point, there was a full out staring war between you and Tsukishima. Meanwhile your teacher deadpanned at the way how both of you were acting. Sometimes, Yukino can never understand why the two smartest students in her class acts like five years old. It will forever remain a mystery to her.

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