Back Off, String Bean is Mine!

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Part 3: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 – string bean is mine!

"So, as I was saying..."

Your head dropped and hit your desk, causing a loud "bang" sound to resounds throughout the classroom. Yui stopped talking as everyone turned their heads towards the loud sound, only to be met with the sight of you snoring away at your desk.

Michiko gave her classmates an embarrassed smile, nudging you to wake up. "(nickname)-chan, wake up! Everyone's staring at you!"

You pushed her arms away, mumbling. "Go away, Yui-oba. Let me sleep. You're so annoying."

Yui's eyes widened in horror when she heard your words, anger boiling beneath her skin. You slowly stirred from your slumber when you hear snickering coming from everyone. Blinking, you rubbed your eyes and came face to face with a fire-breathing dragon.

"Oh, hello Yui-oba. How can I help you?" You yawned, tears blurring her image.

Yui stomped her feet like a five-year-old, screeching. "Stop calling me Yui-oba! I'm not old and wrinkly like a 60-year-old grandma!"

You winced at the loudness of her voice, your ears ringing. Plugging your ears, you replied with a frown. "Maybe I should you Banshee Yui instead of Yui-oba since you act and sound like one. I thought they exist only in folklore."

Yui raised her right hand, ready to slap you when Tsukishima entered the classroom. The blonde frowned, wondering what's going on until his eyes landed on you and Yui. Golden orbs widened in surprise, before narrowing to an angry glare.

Walking up to Yui, Tsukishima grabbed her wrist before her hand could meet your face. He pulled the black-haired girl away and confronted her. "What do you think you're trying to do, Yui-chan?!"

Yui's glanced up at the boy that she liked, her lips trembled in fear as tears gathered in her eyes – unable to reply. The black-haired girl's friends came to her rescue and dragged her away from Tsukishima, comforting her.

Tsukishima turned his attention back to you, worry gnawing him from the inside out. "Are you okay? She didn't hit you, did she?"

Your cheeks pinked as Tsukishima's hand caressed the side of your face, making sure to be gentle in case you got hurt. Leaning into his touch, you murmured. "She didn't hit me. Before she could even lay a finger on me, you entered the classroom. Technically, you save me. Thanks, String Bean."

A relieved smile appeared on the first year's face, glad that his childhood friend didn't hurt you. Removing his hand, Tsukishima made his way towards Yui – ready to give her a piece of his mind. However, he was stopped by you.

Glancing down at you with a frown, Tsukishima asked. "What are you doing, Munchkin? You're blocking me."

The volleyball player steps to the side, only to be intercepted by you. This went on as the two of you played a game of tango. After a while, Tsukishima got frustrated with your actions. Crossing his arms, he glared at you. "You're getting on my nerves. Honestly, what are you doing?"

Playing with your fingers nervously, you hesitantly replied. "I know you're gonna scold her, Kei-kun. Please don't. She's not actually the one at fault. I was the one who triggered her. So, if you wanna scold her, scold me instead."

Tsukishima raised a brow, a hint of surprise shown in his eyes. The blonde didn't expect those words coming from you, considering you were almost being slapped in the face. Then again, this is you that he is talking about. You're someone who will defend those you deemed faultless in your books.

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