Operation: Revenge of Munchkin

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Part 1: Chapter 5 

You yawned as you made your way to Class 1-4, settling into your seat. You planted your face onto the desk as you left out a groan, maybe staying up late watching anime on a school night was a bad idea. You folded you arms as you rested your head on it, maybe you could rest for a while before class starts. Soon enough, you were asleep.

Tsukishima walked into the classroom with Yamaguchi next to him who was babbling about who knows what. Despite always having his headphones on, the green-haired pinch server never failed to always strike a conversation with Tsukishima. As Tsukishima approached his seat, he was met with a surprised sight. (h/c) hair pooled around your face like silk as you gently breathe in and out, the sunlight coming from the window enhancing your features. This sight of you was not familiar to Tsukishima as he was used to a loud, boisterous and most of the time, angry Ukai (Name).


Tsukishima's golden eyes widen when he heard you mumbling his name in your sleep. Your eyebrows furrowed as you continued on dreaming. The middle blocker stared at you with curiosity in his eyes, wondering what on earth were you dreaming about. Could it be that you were dreaming about him? After all you did just mumbled his name in your sleep.

Unknown feelings stirred within the blonde-haired male as Tsukishima waited in anticipation. What was he anticipating, the first year had no clue. But Tsukishima knew that he was definitely waiting for something to happen.


Tsukishima's eyes widen as a huge blush blossomed across his face, reaching till his ears. Of all things, this wasn't what he was expecting. Since when on earth did you fall for him? Tsukishima wrecked through his memories, trying to recall if you did anything that showed you love him. But instead, memories of you shouting at him came to Tsukishima's mind. (I made Tsukishima a bit occ here. But then again, Tsukishima rarely had anyone who he considered a friend, although he wouldn't admit it, confessed their love to him.)

"Do you really think I would mean that?"

Since Tsukishima was busy panicking over what you said earlier on that he did not see that you were awake, your (e/c) eyes peering up at him. You were smirking as Tsukshima who just stared at you dumbfounded, not knowing how to react. You straightened up as you stretched your arms, yawning. "You know it's rude to stare at someone while they're asleep."

Finding his voice, Tsukishima glared at you as he said. "You were awake the entire time?"

You propped your arms up as you leaned your head against it, replying. "I woke up the moment I heard Yamaguchi's voice."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Well yesterday I came up with the idea that if I were to fall asleep at your desk, how would you react. And you, my friend, had the best reaction ever. I wish I had my camera though."

Tsukishima simply stared at you blankly as you began mumbling that you should have asked someone to help you record Tsukishima's reaction. Tsukishima raised his hand as he poke your head, the next thing you know, you were rolling around on the floor as you clutched your head in pain.


"Tch. Serves you right."

Tsukishima stepped over you as he settled into his seat, completely ignoring you. Meanwhile you continued lying on the floor, too lazy to get up until your homeroom teacher walked into the class.

"Ukai-san, please get up from the floor and return to your seat. Class is about to start."

You stood up and returned back to your seat, sticking your tongue at Tsukishima who simply continued to ignore you. Huffing, you took out your stationary and notebook as you tuned out what your teacher said. Right now, what's more important on your mind was that you had made it your mission to annoy a certain string bean for the rest of the day.

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