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Part 2: Chapter 18b

"Kei-kun, look! That puppy is so cute!"

Tsukishima smiled as you held up the puppy in your hands, a giant grin on your face as (e/c) orbs shining with happiness stared back at him. The puppy let out a "woof" as it wagged his tails wildly from side to side, mirroring your joy.

"I guess he is." Tsukishima softly replied as he ruffled your hair fondly.

You blushed as you lowered the puppy, still not used to the affections Tsukishima have been showing you ever since the evening started. You turned away from the blond as you returned the puppy back to its owner, an old kind lady.

The old lady gave you a toothless smile as she accepted her puppy back, laughing when it licked her on the cheek. Holding the puppy in her arms, she said knowingly, "You're a very lucky girl. You have such a caring boyfriend."

Your face burst into a brilliant red as you shake your head from side to side and corrected the old lady. "A-Ah! You got it all wrong! Kei-kun and I aren't like that all. We're just good friends!"

The old lady blinked as your words sink in before her eyes widen in realisation. She quickly apologised for her mistake. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I really thought he is your boyfriend at the way how he looks at you."

"It's fine." You reassured the old lady before going on when you realised what she said. "Huh? What do you mean by how the way Kei-kun look at me?"

"Oh dearie, you mean you even noticed the way how that young boy look at you before?"

"Am I suppose to notice such things? He just looks at me the same way he looks at his friends."

"Ah, I see now." The old lady said mysteriously, her eyes twinkling with mischief despite her old age.

You blinked in confusion, not understanding what the old lady was trying to tell you. Your head tilts to the side, the puppy copying your move as it let out a "woof". "I don't understand what are you saying, Oba-san?"

The old lady simply smiled as she answered cryptically, "In due time, you'll know."

With that as her parting words, the old lady left with her puppy. You stood there in the middle crowd, still as confused as ever as you tried to figure out the meaning behind her words. However, no matter how hard you racked your brain, you couldn't figure it out.

"You look constipated."

You turned around when you heard Tsukishima's voice. Your eyes lit up when you noticed that in his hands were two tubs of takoyaki. With outstretched arms, you made grabby hands motion as you drooled at the sight of food. "Are those for me? I'm hungry."

Tsukishima gave you a disgusted look as he moved the takoyaki out of your reach, saying, "No, those are for me."

"You're gonna eat both tubs?" You asked.

"Yes, I'm hungry that's why I bought two tubs for myself. Besides, who says I'm gonna spend money on you." Tsukishima replied smugly.

Your heart broke as you watched Tsukishima placed a takoyaki in his mouth, ignoring the puppy eyes you were giving him. Your stomach grumbled loudly as Tsukishima hummed, "Mmm. This takoyaki is so delicious, it practically melts in your mouth."

You pouted as you crossed your arms and turned away from Tsukishima, mumbling, "Meanie."

Tsukishima chuckled at the pout on your face as you cursed him under your breath. Shaking his head at your childish behaviour, he handed one of the tubs to you with a small smile. "I am just kidding. Here's your share of the takoyaki."

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