Childhood Reunion

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Part 2: Chapter 13 

"You do realize you have finals next month, right?" Takeda asked, his eyes hidden behind his glasses.

Next to the teacher, you could see your brother jumping at Takeda's words, a look of horror on his face as his memories of being a student came back to him. One thing that every students dreaded would be none other than examinations.

"Right?" Takeda emphasize as he stared at Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya and Tanaka who immediately looked away from their teacher.

"So, I think you know what I'm getting at, but if you any subjects..." The four boys began to tremble as Takeda relay the words spoken by their vice principal to the group of boys gathered in front of him.

You gave your friends' pity looks at the horrified expressions on their faces when they learned that if they failed any subjects, they wouldn't be able to attend the Tokyo away games since supplementary classes will be held that weekend. Tanaka and Nishinoya began to ran for their lives, thinking that they could escape from their fates.

"Hey! There's no where to run! Ennoshita, catch them!" Daichi shouted at the retreating pair who were stopped by the second year.

Meanwhile, Hinata was close to tears as he mumbled to himself. "Fail...Fail...What counts as a failing grade?"

"That's your question?!" You asked the orange-haired male with a shocked look on your face, not believing his words. Out of all things, you did not expect Hinata to say that at all.

On the other hand, Kageyama just sat there as his soul flew out of his mouth, his entire body as white as a ghost.

"Kageyama's not breathing!" Yamaguchi exclaimed at one glance of the genius setter.

"Since we said we were going to continue club activities, we have to at least make decent grades." Suga commented with a pitying look on his face, feeling sorry for the four idiots of Karasuno.

Tsukishima being the sardonic character he was, he smirked at Nishinoya and Tanaka. "You shouldn't fail."

"Maybe if we beg the vice principal..." Hinata desperately asked Takeda.

"Why don't you try really hard and not fail the exam?" Tsukishima taunted Hinata.

"Stop it, you're not helping with the situation!" You whispered-shouted as you jabbed Tsukishima by the side, the said male turning to glare at you.

Takeda gave a sigh, really wanting to help the boys. But once the principal made up his mind, the chance of changing his mind is slim to none. "Even if we get the vice principal's permission, if you have to take supplementary classes, those will take priority."

You winced at the horrified look on Hinata's face once more as his dream of going to Tokyo shattered in the background. You felt sorry for the middle blocker, knowing how much going to Tokyo meant to him. You only felt even more worried for your friend when he decide to approach your brother for help.

You shook your head knowing that it would be fruitless asking your brother for help in terms of studies, considering Keishin isn't a very bright person to begin with. You patted Hinata's on the head reassuringly when he collapsed onto his knees upon hearing Keishin's words.

Suga being the kind soul (bless this boy!) that he was reassured his junior, a gentle smile on his face. "Hinata, I'm sure you don't have to worry this much about it."

"I've never had a double-digit score on any of my quizzes. Will I still be okay?" Hinata turned to the third-year with hopeful eyes.

"Huh?" You and Suga froze at Hinata's words, him doing the same when he realized his doom.

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