Accidentally in Love.

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this story has the original characters from Harry Potter, the main events may be the same in addition to the events that i added. this story is from the point of view of a heroine that i made up .


"I do not want to go." I repeat for what seems like the millionth time. "I want to stay here!" I squeeze my already crossed arms deeper as the trees blurr by the car windows. Green means we're getting closer to London Heathrow, this fills me with dread.

"Don't make me start, young lady!" My mom shouts as she takes a turn sharply causing all of us to lean over.

She's driving me, my brother and dad to the airport. In other words, she's sending us all off to LA. It isn't unusual for us to go to LA, we do that every summer. Although, this time is not like every summer. For starters, my mom isn't coming with us.

The reason we travel by plane - muggle means - is because my father is a muggle.

"Oh, please do. Because as I'm aware, I'm completely capable of taking care of myself. And you know very well, you can ship me off to LA, imprison me and I can apparate back to where I want to be."

She hits the breaks all of a sudden jerking us all forward. She looks back at me in horror. "You will definitely not do that. Enough is enough!" She screams at me, pressing on each word. "Give me your wand. Right now!"

I'm about to protest when she shouts, "I said now!"

I take out my wand, because she's scary when she's that angry.

"You have no sense of responsibility, you have no idea how it felt when I arrived at the ministry last month and found you there. I nearly had a heart attack. How could you do that to me? How could you? You could have gotten yourself killed, you have no idea how dangerous these people are!" Tears are now filling her eyes; which is a rare sight to see.

 My voice is a million times lower now, "Mom, I was completely aware of all these dangers, but I was there to help my friends. You taught me to be brave and to stand by what I believe in. I believed Harry, we all did and we went to help him. The same reason you went with the Order, as I recall. I knew it was not child's play, but you trained me to do more than that... And I can't abandon my friends."

"You are 14 for God's sake! You are too young for that! At least they're a year older than you. And it's Harry's fight, not yours." She spits.

 I fume, "Ginny and Luna are my age and they both went there too, without hesitation. And we are from the D.A., Harry taught us a lot and guess what?! I taught them also some of our spells. And I am not 14, I'm 15 now!" I cross my arms.

"That's it, Elizabeth Miller, you're going to LA! And no school for you next year. It's not safe! Whether you like it or not, I'm keeping my own kids safe." Her face is now inches from mine, eye to eye as she grabs my wand from my hand, none of us backing out from the staring contest.

Finally, I scream at her, "That is absolutely not fair. I Hate You!"

There's a short pause that my father breaks, "Ehm, Peri Honey, the cars are honking for us to go." As we break the staring contest, we become aware of our surroundings for the first time. Besides the high voltage electricity inside the car, there are honking and insults outside.

My mom turns back and resumes driving, "Hate me all you want, I'm doing whatever it takes to keep my family safe," she says.

Is that it? I'm leaving Hogwarts and England for good? I'm not seeing my friends or my teachers again? I look out of the window, feeling a cloud of gloom as I see the Heathrow sign approach us. Apart from the heartbreak I'm going through, I mostly feel disappointed in my mother. I expected more from her. A tear drops on my right cheek as I remember all my days in Hogwarts; doing pranks with Fred and George, discussing books with Hermione, playing beater in Quidditch, talking boys with my best friend Ginny, going on dates in Hogsmead and having fun learning and teaching spells with the DA in the Room of Requirements. I cannot believe this is goodbye.

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