Chapter 7: The Death Eater

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"What are you doing here you little rat? Are you spying on me?" Malfoy's voice is filled with acid.

I can't speak or move. I'm shocked and my mind is foggy. All I can do is shake my head in horror.

"How long have you been here? Why are you following me?"He keeps pointing his wand at me.

I manage to find my voice at last, and I reply in a small voice, "I...I was here getting something and... and I heard someone and came to see who's here."

He looks at me suspiciously with the same merciless expression in his eyes. Oh my God, he's going to kill me!

"How did you get in?" He asks angrily.

"Probably the same way you did, looking for something I was hiding in here."  I manage to say in a whisper.

He sneers, "Look who's scared now. You can't say a foul word out of your filthy mouth. Scared of me you little blood traitor, aren't you?! You aren't that brave now, are you?!"

I look at him in shock, I'm scared and clueless and can't think well and to be honest he looks really dangerous right now, "Malfoy, can you just lower your wand? I really wasn't here to spy on you. I even don't have my wand on me."

He lowers his wand slightly, but still directing it at me as he sneers, "Someone stole it from you? One of your ex-boyfriends decided to take revenge?"

I laugh sarcastically, "Oh yeah. Break my heart and I break your wand." Bad move. He frowns again, so I just answer his question. "No, I just left it because there was no place to carry it, this dress is too tight. And I never expected to be trapped with you."

He finally concludes that I'm not a threat. Also the fact that I can't stand straight helps a little, I guess. He lowers his wand and his shoulders relax a bit, but is still looking at me suspiciously and waiting for me to leave.

"Can I use your wand?" I ask him without thinking.

"Are you mad?! Why? To hex me? Of course you can't." He spits.

What am I doing? Just leave, Lizzy.

"I just want to repair this bottle before all the liquid falls out, it's quite expensive and it's really hard to smuggle stuff like that into the school." I look at the broken bottle, feeling sorry for every drop falling out of it in vain. I really don't know what the hell I'm doing. I should just leave, but I don't want to go out to the rest of the school just yet. Somehow staying with the ferret sounds more peaceful in my drunken head.

He looks at me like I'm crazy and points his wand to the shattered bottle, "Reparo." It's repaired and my precious drink stops spilling.

I lean down to pick it up. When I get up, I smile at him, "Thanks. Do you want some? It helps with the stress." Did I just smile to ferret Malfoy?

He seems to be asking himself the same question because he's looking at me suspiciously.

I point at the bottle as an explanation, "It makes me a lovable person."

He laughs a short laugh, "And what makes you think that I'm stressed?" He asks while trying to mask his anxiety.

"You're a hundred times thinner that you were at the beginning of the year. And let's not forget that you were sobbing when I came to find you."

His face suddenly becomes the color of Ginny's hair, "I was not sobbing." He shouts.

"Relaaax! I'm not judging. Not today anyway, I have my own baggage. What about you? Broke up with Panty or something?" I tell him and take a gulp from the bottle. It comes down burning.

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