Chapter 5: Visitors.

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I'm sitting in the great hall next to Ginny, waiting for Xander to be placed in a house. I keep praying silently in my mind that Xan wouldn't be put into Slytherin.

"Miller, Xander" Professor McGonagall cries, finally.

Xander approaches the stool looking nervous. Ginny squeezes my hand. The moment of truth! McGonagall put the hat on his head and it's silent for minute that feels like a life time, then shouts, "Ravenclaw!"

I whoop and Ginny claps. We realize we're the only ones who are clapping hard from the Gryffindor table. We were both scared that he'd get into Slytherin. Someone at the Ravenclaw table whistles and I look in the direction of the whistle to find that of course it's Ramon. He pats Xan on the back and gives me a thumbs up. My stomach clenches a little, we didn't speak after the incident in front of Slughorn's compartment. My mother was right, I have to be more careful.

We eat dinner and go back to our common room, Ginny disappears with Dean for an hour and I sit with Neville in the common room while waiting for her.

"So, how was your summer, Longbottom?" I ask him as we sit on the couch by the fire, and everyone else heads to bed.

"It was alright. Granny was going back and forth helping the order, she met your mom a few times. I even met her at our house several times. But I didn't go anywhere, I stayed at home." He says looking defeated. "What about you?" He adds before I comment.

"Hmmm. Let's see. I was grounded because of what happened in the ministry. My mom banned me and Xan with my dad in L.A. Inspite of all that I had so much fun, and a lot of events happened. Including dating this amazing singer." I laugh.

He laughs and shakes his head, "You're unbelievable. What happened to Zabini then?"

"Oh! I broke up with him before leaving to L.A. I wasn't coming back to Hogwarts, according to my mother." I shrug.

"Yeah, I heard about that. Grann and I tried to convince your mom a lot to make you come back."

I smile widely, "Really? I bet it was your Grandma who changed my mom's mind. Nothing stands in that woman's way." I laugh gratefully.

He laughs. "I guess!" His expression changes to serious then, "I've been meaning to ask you, did Ginny tell you anything about them seeing my parents in the hospital?" His face reddens a bit.

She did actually, but I can't say that, can I? "Nope! I told you she wouldn't. None of them would. It's your secret. Although, if I were you I would be proud of my parents."

"I am proud. I told you a million times. But I don't want anyone to look at me with pity, it's enough that I'm like that already." He says in defeat.

"Like what exactly? Neville, you're one of bravest guys I know. You need to be confident, that's all you need. Because you have it all; courageous, loyal, kind, sweet and you have heroes for parents, no matter what state they're in now."

He smiles sweetly, "You're so sweet, Lizzy. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. It's the truth!" I kiss him on the cheek and he blushes.

We look up to find Ginny and Dean, finally, coming into the common room. I take Ginny and we head to the girls' rooms leaving the guys behind. Ginny and I begin to catch up by telling each other about our summers. When I finish my tale, she hugs me, "Aww, you left all that to come back to us?" I'm surprised she even asked that.

"Of course! Hogwarts is my life. I can't live without you guys."

She looks deep in thought. "But this seems to be it. The big love. He sounds perfect and you sounded like you were so happy."

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