Chapter Eleven

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I rolled over not wanting to leave Mason but I remember that he had already left. I bring my hand to my forehead, rubbing it as I start smiling. I got out of bed and walked over to my desk looking at my schedule Lucas must have dropped off.

Training 7-10 -Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Watch 1-3 - Sunday, Thursday, Saturday

Training 5-7 - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday


Watch 7-10 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Training 1-3 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

First watch at the Autumn Ball, this Friday, non negotiable,


"Good gods Lucas will be such a pain," I said under my breath. Lucas's hand writing was a lot smaller and carefuller than mine. It was thinner and lighter to. I look up at the clock as it rings, 6:45. I walked over to the bathroom to change. I throw off my cloak and Annoying brown dress and changed into a black pair of pants and a white t-shirt. I sit down on my bed and slip on a pair of boots. I grab my cloak and slip it over my shoulders. It still smelled like Mason. I stand up with a knock at my door. "Be there in a second Lucas," I said knowing it would be him. I turned around to see a small scrap of paper sitting where my cloak was. I had completely forgotten about Sabrina's not. I pick it up and look at the words.

Meeting Tomorrow 1:15. Noah"s home.

non negotiable,


Non negotiable, I guess that's my life now. I walked over to my go be greeted by Lucas's face. "Your oddly prepared today," Lucas said with an odd gleam in his eye. I walk out and onto the cold marble that I could feel even though I had boots on. "I'm surprised that The King even lets you wear that," Lucas said noting the rules.

"Shut up," I said with a sleep deprived voice. I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't even know," I said stretching.

"Someone's grouchy," Lucas said before I gave him a look that could kill. We walked down to the garden. It was filled with people walking to the main hall.

"Someone was woken up at two in the morning and overall had a horrible time falling asleep," I said hoping that I could get my golden eye to pierce him like a the dagger I had stashed away in my cloak.

"Oh," Lucas said interested to hear what happened to me at two in the morning. "What happened," good gods he better not be think what I think he is.

"Good gods, get your mind out of the gutter!" I said slapping him over the head as we walked out off the palace ground and headed to a forest behind the palace. "I was crying my eyes out last night and, umm," was with Mason, "and woke up from dehydration," not a complete lie but pretty close.

That shut him up long enough for us to reach the forest. "Why," Lucas said, good gods I only made things worse. The forest look familiar yet so different.I didn't reply to Lucas's question only looked away into the forest. After yesterday I really wasn't in the mood for talking about my past. The forest seems somewhat darker in the day than the night. "Okay, I get it the traumatic past treatment," oh gods please tell me that he has sparing planed to day because it's just the beginning and I already wanted to strangle him. "I know what happen I was there," good gods he was dead. I looked at him my golden eyes taking shaded of red and orange. I grab my dagger pushing him into a tree. I stuck my enchanted dagger up against his throat. My feet planted on the ground. "Weak form for Ashford protector," I hiss through the tears starting to form in my eyes.

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