Chapter Five

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I sat in an empty arena. The only people that were there were Fea and they were standing on the wooden platforms. It felt like I had been there for hours but my soul had just arrived . I looked around, The King was sitting behind me with a smug grin. Jackson was sitting right next to me he looked almost happy. Until he talked, he seemed crushed, but I knew it was all a stage act. "look what you did to my brother," he said, but I sat there confused. My soul had never been to this reality, "You're a witch. You made him feel just to rip out his heart and use him." I knew none of this was true, I had to keep telling myself that this was not reality, right? I doubted myself this would never happen.

I decided to say something, "I would never hurt him." I said fiercely like an idiot, you were smarter than this, you knew you always had to act.

Jackson was about to say something but his dad bet him to it. The King stood up and walked a few feet over to me, pulled up his hand, and slapped it across my face. It was ferrice, uncut anger, whatever I did it was bad. He spoke, "You did something stupid, Girl. You need to see the consequence to your action, You need to see what will happen to you. You have caused us great harm today!" Har, I've never been in this reality I didn't know what I did!

I opened my mouth to speak, but then fear struck me. The King grabbed my head forcing me to see what would happen next. With one motion of his hand Jackson pulled a lever as hundreds of people dropped to their death. They didn't have to repeat their words, I just stood there in fear knowing that this was all my fault. To guards brought out 4 people. Wasn't this over, wasn't that all?!? But to my fear I remembered that I hadn't seen sabrina, October, or Noah. That thought was proven as the guard brought out Sabrina, October, and Noah but they weren't the only people the guard brought. He didn't look anything like he does in my reality, I could barely tell who he was. But once he looked into my eyes with tears in his eyes I knew. Mason had joined the rebellion, not by choice but by force, my force.

Hot tears fell down my eye not one by one but in millions. I fell to my knees begging whoever would listen to help them, but my prayers were not heard. The King stood, preparing himself to kill his favorite son, "Mason Alric, Sabrina Eleanor, October Lovelace, and Noah Kelly you have committed treason to The Crown, not only by being part of the Rebellion but by also," he choked on his words. So he does feel. "Also using the magic given to you at berth because of your Fea heritage. These acts are punishable by death!" The King said regaining his strength. Mason is not Fea he is normal, any person born of Royalty is normal. As they were falling I saw a women, She was beautiful. She had blond hair, she wore a cream silk dress with lilac details. I looked a her deep brown eye, that looked just like Mason's, caring and willing to do anything for someone she love. Her eye were crowded with regret and happiness. After the only people in my life had died I look a the women, she seemed so happy with Mason standing next her, was she Mason's mother. He whispered something in her ear and she noded and they disappeared like goest. I stood up planning on not stopping this rebellion. But something stopped me. Sabrina and October appeared next to me grabbing my arms whispering things into my ears.

"Look what you did to our plains," whispered October as they dragged me down to the guillotine.

"look at all of these people who died because of you," whispered Sabrina. As we past each row ghostly people started floating down the hallways to take their seat for the main show. Me. October and Sabrina whispered more thing into my ears but the tears falling down my cheeks canceled out all the noise, but the last thing Sabrina said stuck with me, "Look what you did to Noah, you turned hie into a monster."

The tied the noose around my neck. I looked up at Noah, and even though I'm not from this reality, I could feel that Sabrina's words were correct. I stared at him with tears and regret in my eye. He disappeared and I looked out at the Audience all waiting for my death. They screamed in approval as The King stood, "Kaitlin Smith you have committed treason, murder, and worst of all using the magic given to you at berth due to you Fae heritage." I could feel the me from this reality had done all those things, that she was the person who got all those people sitting in the arena killed and now they were waiting for me to get what I deserved. One thought flashed through my head as I stood there, I have to make sure this never would became a reality. As I fell I could feel that they had all had loved the show I gave them. 

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