Chapter Twelve

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I ran trying to get their sooner to surprise him with bad news. I am planning on ending it so that he doesn't get into the rebellion or worse, is used by The King. I shook that idea as I knocked on his, but he didn't answer. I walked over to the window I couldn't see what was happening but I knew it wasn't good. I could see that he was doing more than flirting and whatever it was it made him happy. Until he look up at me and mouthed, "Sorry," but I just shook my head and mouth back, "don't be," somewhere deep down I knew he was cheating on me but I never dared to believe it until then. But I didn't cry and that was the one thing that did bother me.

I ran to Sabrina's house I knew I would be a little late but I would be able to make something up and with the information I was about to give them they wouldn't mind.  I could hear Sabrina's words as a soft whisper, "Okay everyone we need ideas. Surprise attacks? I don't think there is any way to surprise the king. We could send in maybe a few people to find the king to distract him or we could hold him hostage. We have at most four months until the king decides we all need to go to wherever the rest of the fae are."It was impressive she was a natural leader and anyone would follow her. I had decided that I was going to sneak in a few Rebels at the ball on friday to give the Royals a show of sorts. "Everyone lighten up this could be our chance! I need everyone to at least try and be enthusiastic." I knock on the door taking a deep breath and going over the flawless plain in my head.

I open the door to see a roomful of people who I assumed where all Fae. Before I can get October, of all people, has a knife to my throat. "God it's freezing out here and you are pulling a knife on me? That's not the best way to say hello if you ask me." Noah rushes to the door and envelopes me in a hug and I smile from the familiar safe feeling, "Hey cousin."

He doesn't say anything back for awhile but leans into my ear, "gone to cry to any princes lately," he whispers. Good gods it will take a miracle for me not to choke him.

Instead I get my own revenge, "kiss any girls lately, fireboy," he blushed. I was just guessing because he seemed happier I didn't think I would be right. Noah walks me into the back and I stand next to him.  October looks outside for a second, to make sure no one had followed me,  before she closes the door. I give Sabrina a respectful nod and she give her a two finger wave and I walk over to her. If I was going to give them information I would go all in, I was pretty far into the well already. I took a deep breath before speaking, "There is a ball on Friday and I think that would be the perfect day for a small attack. I can maybe sneak in three or four people but not more than that. Your jobs will be to try to at least act like royalty and once we are all set we will have one person power the lights off so we can get any certain targets."I turn to  look at Sabrina, "Is that a good plan?"

"That's perfect Kaitlin. Thank you," she says as I walk off stage."Okay everyone you heard the plan. Kaitlin any certain people you think should go?" I turn around not expecting to talk again.

I take a deep breath and let it out, it came back with thought and ideas. "First of all October so she can get rid of our targets, second of all Noah could use his charm as a distraction, and third of all Sabrina I think you need to come as the leader of the rebellion." Nobody argued with my plain. They could all see that I knew what to do.

"All in favor say I." Every single person in the room does and I nod to myself, "Ok everyone we have two days to make this plan perfect let's get to work."

The rest of the meeting was quick only about half an hour so as I walked out the door I looked for Noah to talk to. I looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. i walked over to someone I had never seen before but with a closer perspective the person looked like someone had injected Jackson with confidence and kindness, I brushed it off tough. "Do you happen to know where Noah is?" I asked the Jackson look-alike.

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