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Disclaimer: I don't own The Selection, its sequels, its characters, or any of its settings, ideas, etc. This story is based on Kiera Cass's The Selection series. I only own my own ideas, characters, settings, etc.

Second Disclaimer: This is a rewrite of The Selected, which is a story I wrote ages ago. You can read the original here:

Third Disclaimer: Yes, I am aware that Kiera Cass wrote her own prequel and all of that. You don't need to remind me, although I appreciate my readers pointing out flaws in my narratives for when I re-edit and rewrite them (it helps me to focus on different problems and improve my writing, which is kind of the point of this wonderful community). If you would prefer to keep the canonical family tree and such as what you like, then I respect that, but please understand that I wrote this story not long after The Elite was published, and therefore originally wrote this story well before the wonderful Kiera Cass ever released the family tree and such. Please feel free to comment on whatever you'd like, but try to refrain from that. I would appreciate it.

Fourth Disclaimer: Any and all comments advertising other stories will be deleted. No exceptions. I understand that you want more reads, votes, and comments. I do. But it's really quite rude, and it's too common on some of my stories. If you'd like me to read your story, I'd be happy to!!! I like recommendations!!! But please keep those to my direct messages, okay? I don't like deleting comments. I like reading comments, and I love responding to them!! But I don't like 1500 comments telling people to read their story, and I don't like deleting comments.


Author's Note: I'm back!! I've been working on this story for a little while now. It's not all written yet, but I wanted to share it with you guys while I work on it. Thanks for all of your support on the original!! -25.6.2018

Extended Summary: Seventeen-year-old Cassiana Lowes has lived a life more strenuous than humble—she was born and raised an Eight, the lowest caste possible in Illéa. After losing her father at the age of ten, Cassiana and her mother continued the practice started by her grandmother: lying about their caste to work, hoping to gain enough money to one day buy their way up in the system. And Cassiana herself has a difficult job, one behind repairing cars, that is illegal to even imagine.

When papers for the Selection arrive with Cassiana's name on them, she doesn't expect to be swept into a world of princes and ball gowns, and she certainly doesn't plan on allowing herself the luxury of falling in love. But plans change and things happen, and sometimes, it's easier to just fall.

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