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The palace had a ballroom-like room that was reserved for events such as this, and I had never been in it until that day. It wasn't decorated very much (the room, like the rest of the palace, was already decorated in whites and creams and gold-trimmed everything), but there were circular tables spread throughout the room that were covered with midnight blue tablecloths. There was a mahogany bar off to one side, and a number of people clad in just about every color were crowded around it or spaced out around the room, chatting and laughing and sipping drinks as brightly colored as their clothes.

I felt myself tense the second I crossed the threshold, every muscle tightened like they were preparing to make a quick escape. My eyes quickly surveyed the room, picking out doors and windows and making quick guesses on the locks and mechanisms tucked into the walls. Like in all the rooms with windows, there were heavy metal blinds tucked up and hidden just inside of the tops of the curtains; I wondered what they were for, not for the first time. My hand had started to move for my hip; Aquia and Clara cut that off quickly by linking their arms with mine. They used this to propel me into the room.

"Breathe, Cassiana," Aquia muttered out of the side of her mouth. She had a lovely smile pasted to her face. "Try not to look like a wild animal caught in a trap."

"It's hard," I mumbled back, forcing a smile on my face. Mason would later on joke that it looked more like I was baring my teeth than smiling pleasantly. "Considering I feel like a wild animal caught in a trap."

I heard Clara cough to stifle a laugh. "We're right here," she whispered. "All is well, Cassiana."

I knew it was true, but it didn't settle my nerves any. I realized too late that they were steering me towards Alexander and Mason.

The two Illéan princes were carrying on a discussion with two men that, like them, looked young in only their appearance. The one closer to Alexander was maybe an inch taller, with black hair slicked back away from his face. He had sharp features that weren't exactly pretty, but they fit together in a pleasing sort of way. His eyes were dark as well, and his skin had a nice, golden tan that wasn't the sort you could buy. His suit fit him well, just like the other men he was with.

The other had longer, milk chocolate-colored hair, which he'd tied back at the base of his neck. His skin was just as flawless as the other's, and his eyes were the same color as his hair. He easily towered over all three of the men he was standing with, a good three or four inches taller than them. He looked like the type that didn't smile much.

None of them seemed to notice us until we were standing in front of them, and even then it took a second. The two other men slowly smiled, and Clara dropped my arm to hug them both. Alexander and Mason flashed a quick grin at each other.

Clara was speaking quickly to them both in a not-English language that sounded vaguely like she'd taken two languages and smashed them together. The two men didn't seem to be confused and conversed with her easily.

Mason embraced Aquia and I, and Alexander did the same. "Glad to see you came, Cassiana," Mason casually joked. "Unarmed, I hope?"

"I hope so," Aquia chimed in. "Though I doubt it. When she walked in, it looked like she was reaching for something." She shot me a pointed look.

I smiled sheepishly. "Don't know what you're talking about. Never touched a weapon. What's a weapon?"

The three of them shared a knowing smile. "Uh huh." Aquia didn't look convinced. "Just try not to kill anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "Wasn't thinking about it."

"Aha! You didn't deny ever killing someone." She looked triumphant. She looked at Mason. "I believe you owe me?"

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