a note from the author.

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xxxi january mmxix

hello again!

so i've finished another story!! it's about time, right? this took a while to write.

(i have an excuse this time, okay, i'm currently studying in spain).

thank you all so much for reading yet another story about cassiana and alexander (i know, i know, there have been a lot). this is the last one, i promise!! i think. who knows. 

ahem. anyway.

again, thank you guys for reading, especially those of you that have stuck around for like, centuries, and have read all of these stories as i've written them. really, you're all absolutely wonderful and i love you all a lot. i hope you guys enjoyed reading this story as much as i enjoyed writing it!

this is going to be the last story i update for a while, since you know, i'm studying abroad. i am currently writing a few others, though i'm not exactly sure if/when they'll be published. in case you're curious, here's the list:

1. flowers from your prince; original story, sappy romance, pretty cute

2. love bites; pretty mature story. original again. vampires. clichés. makes fun of said clichés and said vampires. kind of funny, mostly fun to write. might have a sequel.

3. riddles; this one is a harry potter fanfic, and one that i've wanted to write for years. unfortunately, i've had it in my head for so long that it's tough to write. i absolutely love it though.

4. dear marie; vampire academy fanfic, it's like half-done. pretty decent. i don't hate it. should be the next one published fully.

5. vampires are anti-italian; yet another funny original vampire one. basically that tumblr post making fun of the fact that italian vampires would suffer. ("can't go out in sunlight?? IN ITALY???")

6. 'tis the season; fluffy lil short story. very fun. would love to have this irl. holiday themed, might end up posted, might not. we'll see. yell at me if you want to see it and i'll try to finish it by this coming december.

7. accidents happen; original story, kind of like your wattpad-cliché oh-the-girl-i-love-got-in-an-accident but...not. i haven't even started it yet because i don't know how to start it yet, but it's not bad. fun idea. i like it.

8. consequences; original werewolf story. never written one before. shorter, only like 16 parts, and inspired by the song "consequences" by camila cabello. idk man, i just like it and i got bored and started it.

9. god save the (prom) queen; clearly i'm freaking obsessed with his fair assassin because this is, in fact, a story about assassins...sort of? not really. more like spies, i just don't know what i'm talking about haha. loosely inspired by the song "god save the prom queen" by molly kate keshner (great song, please go check it out). main guy is sort of inspired by a guy i met on tumblr (super cool & chill guy, awesome friend, 20/10 human and he likes museums). another story i got bored and started writing. another one that idk if it'll get posted ever.

if you're interested in any of these stories, let me know!! obviously i write what i want, but i like knowing what you guys are most interested in since you...kind of....read them. thanks again for reading, and i hope you guys are doing well!

all the best,


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