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Seeing Alexander for the first time in exactly two years didn't hurt like I'd expected it too, but it wasn't painless, either. A dull ache started in my chest the second my eyes fell on him, but thankfully, that was all. I'd limp-walked through a city with a bullet in my leg before, so hiding that ache was nothing. The ache reminded me of that feeling when you have a bruise and press lightly against it, not hard enough to make it agonizing, but enough to know that it's there. I hadn't even realized that I had still some actual hurt there until I saw him.

He looked as handsome as he always had, blond hair neatly styled and blue eyes bright. His hair looked darker and a little longer than it had been the last time I saw him, closer to a honey color, and he had a bit of a beard, which was new to me. He'd always been clean-shaven. My heart did its familiar, irritating little stutter in my chest, reminding me that it might've hurt but there was still that familiar ghost of attraction buried deep in my chest.

My family was painfully formal, which Salvatore told me they had been since they took me and left. It was awkward, yeah, but the Italians didn't take such heavy accusations lightly, and it was clear that there was a lot of tension between the kings and queens and their eldest sons. Alexander and Salvatore were so tense shaking hands that I almost cringed; it was like they were trying to compete to see who could intimidate the other. Neither of them backed down, and Alexander moved to me.

I guess he'd been expecting Gia to be standing beside Salvatore, as she always was, because he took my hand and kissed it like there was nothing wrong or off. When his eyes returned to my face like he was about to start a short conversation, his entire body stilled, eyes wide. My heart stopped in my chest once again, and even though I knew that none of my family members were looking, they were all paying close attention to whatever was going to transpire between Alexander and I.

"You're here." Said on a exhale, like he couldn't believe it. "I'd thought I'd never see you again." Was that a flicker of joy in his eyes, or was I seeing things?

"I happened to have an opening in my schedule today," I said stiffly. "I thought that perhaps I should at least greet our guests." It felt weird talking in English after only speaking in Italian and Russian for two years.

He nodded slowly, and I saw that he and I both knew that I was bullshitting; I didn't want to be there and I had never had a busy schedule when they were coming. At least he wasn't stupid enough to believe that. He was polite and pretended that he believed me. "Well, it's nice to see you again. You look beautiful."

You look beautiful?  Really, he had to pick that? I didn't know what to say, and without thinking, I blurted out, "Thanks, I know." I panicked for a brief second, worrying that he would get offended or angry or something.

He surprised me by smiling faintly. "Charming as ever, Princess Cassiana. I look forward to speaking with you more later." He bowed and moved on to kiss Gia's hand, and Salvatore nudged me with his elbow. I glanced up at his face and saw a flash of a smile. He would've laughed if the situation hadn't been so formal.

Mason and Aquia, in spite of all that had happened between us, hugged me and told me that I looked great, and said that I just had to show them around Rome and that we really must spend time catching up and all of that. I wasn't exactly willing to do any of that, but I figured I'd spend an hour or two talking to them if I really had to. I didn't really want to hear all about how much Alexander loved me and how much he'd missed me and how he would need a queen and I'd be the perfect candidate, being a princess and all! I really didn't care.

Salvatore linked our arms as we entered the palace after them. "You did good," he murmured. "Too much?"

"Not sure," I replied. "It hurt, seeing him but...I don't know. Not that much."

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