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Clara had spent Saturday night and Sunday night preparing Aquia and I for the photoshoot and the interview, yet I found myself a nervous, shaking wreck as I waited for my pictures to be taken. My maids had made me look beautiful (though I was dressed in the same cream colored gown and red sash as everyone else), and that was the one thing that was giving me some confidence. If I screwed up the interview, maybe people would overlook it because I looked pretty.

The photographers seemed nice enough, both older men in their forties that were nice but quick and a little sharp to keep things moving. The first one was taking pictures of me alone, quickly snapping them and telling me to tilt my head this way or move my legs over there or do this or stay right there, that's perfect! I felt half-blind from the camera's flash by the time I waited to get my pictures taken with the princes.

The way that they did it was two with Mason, two with both, and then two with Alexander, alternating so that the one standing with the previous girl would remain there with the next girl. I took photos with Mason first, and it was hard to keep myself from laughing because he kept whispering stupid comments in my ear or poking my side. The photographer didn't yell at me, so I took that as a good sign. The pictures with them both were quick, because Mason stopped being such a goofball when Alexander was sitting there as well.

Seeing Alexander all dressed up was weird. I was used to seeing him in suits, yeah, but they'd put him and Mason in these black, military-esque uniforms. They also had red sort-of sashes crossing over their chests (mine was tied around my waist), and an array of medals hung from their shoulders. I made a face at him, trying to get him to lighten up. "What are these for? Best at Writing a Budget? Solved a Major Problem in Some Paperwork?"

He smiled, down at me, the first real one I'd seen on him that day. He put his lips next to my ear and said, "Try Saved a Selected from an Anxiety Attack and Kissed a Girl."

We laughed, and for a few seconds, I forgot about the cameras clicking. "Well, perhaps we should hang you and your brother up instead of a disco ball for your birthday," I whispered back. "It would certainly make things interesting."

We looked at the camera again, and he set his hand on my hip and slid me closer. He'd kept it awkwardly on each of the other Selected, positioned more on their side than their hip, but he had no such reservations with me. "That it would," he agreed. "And I guess Clara told you."

"She did."

"I'm need to talk to that little runt," he scoffed. He glanced at me, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You look beautiful."

I felt my cheeks flush. To cover it, I said, "So do you, Chandelier."

This earned an actual laugh, not a subtle shoulder-shake as he chuckled. The photographer scolded him, which was enough to make him regain his composure, and then there was one more click of the camera before I was told that my time was up. I stood, and he smiled up at me. "Even so, I couldn't possibly shine as bright as your smile."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Cheesy pickup lines will get you nowhere, Your Highness." I attempted to curtsy elegantly (I'm sure that it looked sarcastic regardless) and then turned and walked off to get some of the small no-drip foods they had sitting around and a cup of water.

I was approached by Macie Bechtel and Calla Kinkaid, who both out-Casted me by a lot. Macie was a 4 and Calla was a 2, and they were both about my age. I was curious as to why they were talking to me, but they gave me nice smiles. "The little cheesecake bites are to die for, aren't they?" Macie said pleasantly as she picked up a few. They were little chocolate-dipped strawberry cheesecake cubes, and she wasn't wrong.

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