We finished our lunch pretty quick with a couple sentences in between bites of our meals. I was really excited to go see the puppies. I have wanted a puppy for a long time, but I had to pay for the puppy on my own and I didn't have the money to pay for one plus all of the food and the toys I would have to buy to keep the puppy healthy. I have been looking at lots of breeds and I want a small dog but I don't have a specific small dog breed that I wanted.
I always keep about $20 dollars in my pocket because sometimes I will buy a snack somewhere.
The waitress came over with the check and she set it down on the table than walked away. I took the check in my hand and put a $20 dollar bill in the little pocket they have in the check holder thing. Harry grabbed the check right out of my hand just as I was pulling my hand out of the pocket where I put the money in.
"Absolutely not, I have took you out and you will not be paying for anything today." He said very loud
"Harry, no I'm not dating you (yet) , we aren't on a date so you don't have to pay. You have already paid for the safari." I responded
"No Katie." He said and took out the $20 dollar bill and put it my hand.
"My gosh, Harry, thank you, that is so nice of you to do for me. First, you take me out to that very expensive safari and now you are paying for my lunch." I told him. I kinda wanted to say I love you but I thought it might cause some drama or something so I stuck it at that.
"My pleasure Katie, I'm very glad that you agreed to come out and do some stuff with me today." He responded.

Friends, Maybe More
FanfictionKatie is an ordinary girl focusing on her studies when one phone call one morning changes her life.