Tuesday, Week One, Day Two

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Oh right, I remember now. I forgot to do my chemistry homework, maybe I should have taken Osano's offer of staying over for a bit to do homework together. Crap. Maybe he'll help me out of this. Until he gets here I might as well attempt to finish it. Wait...I have to make lunch. Can't have what happened yesterday happen today. Wait a minute... why did he make me lunch? 

Probably some sort of friendly gesture I suppose. I'm just learning my new emotions and impulses. I don't completely understand these emotions. But I can grasp them well enough. Understanding mine is definitely easier. Understanding others is a whole different issue and one I don't wish to delve in. Maybe Senpais. But no one elses. 

"Hey! You up!" He's a bit early today. I wonder what's up. "Don't make me drag your lazy butt out of bed!" Oh, he's here to pester me like usual. That makes sense. 

"Why not open my door and stop yelling at it?" There was a pause before the door opened slowly. "Morning." I said over my shoulder as I finished wrapping up my plain black bento.

"Morning Ayano." He yawned, he looks like he got literally no sleep. Instead of questioning the bags under his eyes, I commented on the bow he used instead of his normal black ponytail. "H-hey! I broke my last one yesterday! My sister gave this to me till I made enough to get some new ones!" I smirked putting my bento in my bag.

"I think it's cute." His blush spread to his ears, I was almost tempted to snap a photo of him doing so. Actually you know what! I lifted it up and quickly snapped one alas he was struggling to form a retort. He only seemed to be even more flustered by my actions.

"I-I'm not c-cute! S-shut up!" This is great. I let out a small chuckle as I skimmed over the rest of my chemistry worksheet. If awe wasn't the right word to describe his expression, I don't know what is. "Did you just...laugh?" His eyes were bright, and a grin was evident. 

"Yeah?" He sat down in one of the chairs at the empty table. Apparently the shock of me laughing was overwhelming.

"I don't think you have ever laughed before! It's kinda c-! I mean weird! It wasn't cute! I mean it was but it wasn't! Don't look at me like that! I'm not crazy!" No, he's crazy all right. I grinned and returned to make sure everything was ready for the day. I nearly kneed him in the groin when he hugged me from behind to grab the camera that was dangling around my neck. "I think we need a better selfie, don't you agree?" With that I was dragged into another picture with a guy in my school. Might as well send Osano's to Info-Kun as well. I'm pretty sure he's straight, but just in case he likes Senpai as well... I'll kill him. No one would think it was me. 

On the other hand if he likes another guy, congrats I guess? It really isn't my position to tell him who he should like. "Lemme guess... you want a copy of that?" He nodded before he rested his chin on my head with a sigh. "What're you doing?"

"Resting." Gee...like I would have never guessed that. "I had to take care of my siblings all night. Mom and Dad had to rush back to the hospital for a late shift... I'm bone tired..." That sucks, now get off me.

"I made some extra tips yesterday... Wanna catch a bus?" Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Just give me a minute, okay?" But you're so heavy..! Please let go... I want to go see Senpai! "Or four..." No. 

"While you're using me as a pillow, can I ask you something?" He squeezed me a little in response. "Can I copy your chemistry homework?"

He let go of me in an instant, "What!? You want to copy my homework again?!" I nodded as I spun around to face him. "Geez! Your hopeless!" He reached into his bag and whipped out his assignment. "Here! Let's go!" Guess I'm no longer his leaning post. Thank goodness. He stomped out of the door as I grabbed my bag and my assignment. 

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