Wednesday, Week One, Day Three

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Hes a genderbent Osana. How have I not seen this before? Probably because I'm focusing more on getting rid of Osana without hurting Taro-Senpai. And running away from him. And Amno... and Kizano... and Aso... sometimes Osorō... hopefully not Megamo. Ugh... I only want Senpai... But now I have four, possibly six, other males to avoid to get to him. As well as two female who are aiming to get him! 

Why did my Senpai have to be so difficult to obtain!? Why couldn't I have gotten a guy who wasn't so popular with women!? Or gone to a school without all of these annoying boys?! I love Senpai, Osano likes me, Osana loves Senpai, a lot of other boys are chasing me about, and Kokona likes Senpai... 

This is confusing... I don't like it. All I want is Senpai... And soon, Senpai will want me. "Yan-chan! You better be up!" After I figure out a way to get rid of my friend... "I'm coming in!" Be my guest, I'm eating. 

I might be emotionless, but I'm not disrespectful. I'm developing my new emotions. I'll say they're in the beginning phase. Swallowing a bite of toast I looked over at him as he came in. "Morning." His blush was present as he looked at the scarf around my neck, good grief it's only a little crooked! It's not the end of the world! 

"Geez... You're hopeless..." Why is his tone gentler!? "Idiot." And there's the annoyance. His fingers clumsily undid the little knot and adjusted it so the two ends were even. "Mom says you're still open to come stay with us till your parents get back... N-not that I want you to! It'd be super annoying having to take care of you more than I need to! Idiot..." He finished the knot around my neck and then plopped down into one of the chairs around our small table. 

"Tell her thank you, but no thank you." His expression fell, did I say something wrong? "I'm trying to be independent."

He scoffed, "Real good job your doing. You always depend on me. You'd be dead of hunger, or failing school! Admit it your hopeless!" I shook my head and packed up my bento and homework. "Besides! I'm not your messenger! Tell her yourself!" If I had time I would. "Do you... Are you off work today?" I nodded my head as I cleaned up the kitchen a little bit. "My family is going to enjoy the boardwalk tonight, mom and dad are off, do you... Want to come with us?" 

I can read his little mind now, he's planning this as a one sided date to try and sway me into his arms. "Sure, should I meet you at your house?" But I won't be swayed, he can't. But I might as well milk some experience out of him.

"Nah, I'll come pick you up from here after you're done with club activities." His voice was coated heavily with annoyance, but I could see the excitement. "You can tell mom you're an idiot then."

"Shouldn't we get going?" He looked up at the clock ticking above the fridge and sighed, getting up from his chair. I could have squealed in excitement on the walk to school, it was silent. Peaceful. Perfect. Though I could feel his embarrassmed gaze as he kept glancing in my direction. 

I really hope I can make a girl fall for him and force her onto him so I can be free and be forever happy with my senpai. But what girl would fall for this tsundere? Probably someone who likes muscle or people who are protective. Osana is out of the picture, she is never dating my friend. I won't let him make a foolish decision. 

I think he's rubbing off on me... great...

I better find someone fast, Friday is in two days. I also have to finish matchmaking Osana and Haruto. As well as get in contact with Riku so I can get Kokona out of the picture. I have way too much on my plate right now... Hopefully the student council stops pestering the photography club, so they'll stop pestering me. Jonzu-kun decided to make a official school newspaper. He's working on the back to school story. I guess I could talk to Aso or Kizamo about their club leaders, I wasn't focusing much to them but it sounds like a easy story to cover. 

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