Saturday, Day 13

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There was no telling what hour it was that I got up. You would think that after an experience such as yesterday that I'd be waking up extremely late in the afternoon. I got up when the sun had not even risen yet.

Something is...different. My house doesn't feel like my own. My school was different. The people were different. My memories aren't my own...

I was awake, writing down all the contradictions in a blank notebook that I had saved for criminal investigation research. Mostly those notebooks had ideas from the anime Life Note.

I have to admit, it's an interesting concept for a story. I quite enjoy it.

The journalism club... Wasn't it all male? Why was there two females there? Why do I remember them..? Why do they also remind me of a western animated children's show?

I took pictures of everyone that week as well... There's so many faces I don't recognize, but I feel as though I do. I'm glad that this reality has the data base completely filled out as well.

I was pushed off the pier by the female delinquent with the lime streak in her hair. Right? Where did the old delinquents go? Why do I only remember these blonde hair boys? Who pushed me?

Wasn't the cooking club all female? Where did the rest of the rainbow hair girls go? Who beat me up this past week if it wasn't them? Why do I remember the other people in the club? Why do I remember the snobbish voices of the bullies instead of the old cooking club members?

Who did I pair Osana with? And who is that girl that she hangs out with?

Why are my memories different from reality?

Who are these people?

Where am I?

Who am I?

There...might be one person who would know... But wouldn't he be asleep at this time? It's the weekend and the sun hasn't even come up yet. Heck, what do I care? He'll respond when he sees it.


Not even thirty seconds later he responded. Seems like I was wrong, but why is he awake?

Hello Yandere-chan, glad to see you haven't fully forgotten me.

I would love to answer your question honey~ However, it seems that during your little pampering session with your boyfriends you have forgotten to give me a few panty shots;)

How many?

5, to be exact.

It would be a shame if I were to tell Osoro that your information is now public. Wouldn't it?~

If he finds out that I like Senpai there will be no way to stop him! He's already shown that he is more than willing to take out my other male rivals. If he hurts Senpai..!

Tik tok, honey~

I'm only giving you three minutes to send all five(;


I rushed to my wardrobe and quickly pulled out five sets. I stumbled and fell to the floor as I tried to quickly yank off my pyjama bottoms. The bruises and cuts burned as I pulled up the first set.

No time for pain! I must take off my panties for Senpai!

I quickly took a picture and sent it to him with one hand while I hurriedly took off and put on the next with the other. I think I opened a few cuts here and there but the feeling of panic consumed me and let me forget about the pain.

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