Saterday, Day Six

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Oh my gosh. I forgot to give Osorō lunch! He's going to kill me, before I can make an excuse! Maybe I can bribe my way out of this. Perhaps I could make him lunch everyday next week. Or... ugh... This is hopeless. I'll just text him an apology and bring him lunch on Monday. Upon grabbing my phone I realized that I was possibly in deep trouble... There was an unopened text from the delinquent.

I want my lunch Monday

Wait, he isn't angry?

I had td something fora client


Yes how else do you think I'll get money

I highly doubt I want to know, but what do you do?

Like u said u don't wanna know

Fine. I'll give you your lunch on Monday.


So what up

Um... He...wishes to converse with me? Uh... How do I respond?

Getting ready to go on a run. 

It's not lying. I'm in shorts and a tang top, sitting in the kitchen waiting for Aso.

Yur a runner?

Not really...


Yur as muscled as a baby.

I'm not that weak.

Prove it.


When I feel like it pipsqueak.

U running by yerself?


Who you running with?

A friend.


I already stated a friend of mine.

Red head idiot?

He's not entirely dumb, and no.


Brown hair


Creeper dude

Oko? No.

Figured, purple weirdo

Hell no.



Why would I agree to that?


Who I missing that's all yur friends right

I highly doubt Ruti-Senpai and Saikou-Senpai are my friends, but you are indeed missing one other person.


Took you long enough to figure it out.

Maybe, but I figured out all of my rivals

Do what!? 

Am I wrong?

Gotta play dumb! Gotta play dumb!

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