Thursday, Week Two, Day Eleven

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Where did Senpai go?

I slept next to him last night... 

Did he leave me..?

Why is it so cold?

Why is it so dark?

Shouldn't I be in pain right now? I received a lot of cuts yesterday... I feel so numb...

What's going on?

I sat up and observed my surroundings. I still can't see anything... I can't feel my bed either... I must be dreaming right now... I stood up and turned around, there was a single chair facing a dimly lit screen... Without thinking I approached and sat down, my attention glued to the dark, reflective surface.

Suddenly it flickered to life, and I saw myself. But...that can't be me... My smile didn't look forced, and my eyes were bright with life... Something I could only hope to replicate on a daily basis. But I wasn't alone, Osano held my hand as we walked down a street lit brightly by strands of Christmas lights. We seem older... Happier... In love... We stopped in front of a restaurant and he held open the door before the two of us realized that there was mistletoe hanging above our heads. I grinned and pulled him down by the scarf forcing him to kiss me.

It was like the channel suddenly changed... Instead of Osano, it was Amao. I was still so vastly different than myself... But we still looked the same age as now, but still more joyful and starry eyed. We were baking it seemed. If I were to guess it was some sort of of pie. There was also a turkey waiting to be put in the oven. The brunette suddenly got a handful of flour and rubbed it into my hair, I did the same laughing gleefully as it turned into a little war between us, ending only as he wrapped his powdered arms around me with a large smile.

It changed again, this time it was Kizano. We were sitting on a couch in comfortable clothing, our expressions peaceful as we watched some romance. A bouquet of roses and box of chocolates laying on the table in front of us as we cuddled next to each other. He looked down at me briefly before placing a kiss on the top of my head. I merely held him tighter in response, shutting my eyes and curled closer.

The screen changed again, and for my confusement, it was Oko. We were in a graveyard, walking around hand in hand in weird costumes. He looked kind of nervous and a bit fidgety in his vampire outfit. But I didn't seem to mind and seemed at peace with him near me. All of a sudden he tripped and drug me down with him. I laughed and pecked him on the cheek as we lay on top of each other in the grass. He grinned sheepishly as he held me close.

Next was Aso, we were standing in a crowd of people. I sat on top of his shoulders yet again cheering and celebrating as some sort of clock started to count down from ten. As soon as it hit zero, he swung me down into a kiss that I gladly returned. The crowd was going nuts and confetti rained down on us as fireworks lit up the sky. 

After him was the pink haired dude from yesterday... I think his name was Mujo? We were sitting with a group of kids painting eggs. Mujo smiled as I helped a little girl reaching out for a different paintbrush. Suddenly all the kids got up and exited the room excitedly. He looked at me with a grin before placing a bunny ear headband onto my head. I smiled back and gave him a quick kiss before chasing after the children.

Next was my costumer, Mido. We were walking arm in arm around a shrine, both dressed in beautiful kimonos. He stopped suddenly and motioned for me to stay put. He left then returned swiftly with a well-made hair comb from one of the vendors. He placed it into my hair gently with a satisfied grin, he rubbed his fingers along my face as I blushed up at him. But I smiled happily all the same. 

Osorō was next, we were alone. Staring up at Sakura trees as their petals fell down at a steady rate. He seemed peaceful as we laid side by side in the grass. His tattered jacked was balled up underneath my head and our hands were intertwined. He glanced at me before bringing my hand to his lips and placed a light kiss on my knuckles, before closing his eyes with a satisfied grin on his face.

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