Sunday, Day 14

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Gods just go out already! Fuck! Goodness me! This is nearly as aggravating as the other suitors vying for Ayano! Oh, speaking of her! Isn't it late? Shouldn't my precious girl be going home?

As much as I would love for her to stay, we shouldn't push boundaries so soon. Oh! But to imagine, her curling up next me! Ah what a dream that would be!

It seems she has passed out already, perhaps her day of fun has tuckered her all out of energy. My she looks so precious right now! What wondrous dreams she must be having to have that adorable smile! She must have been exhausted.

Why, I dont even feel tired! Odd, normally my medication would be kicking in. Insomnia is quite the demon... Perhaps the staff didn't give me a high enough dosage, I told that foolish doctor that I was growing immune to it!

I pulled out my cell, ready to prove to that old coot that I was correct. But instead I was suprised at how late it was. Or much rather, how early...

Two A.M....

Its bloody two in the morning... We've been watching television since seven... Yesterday... Even if my medication was lower than normal I'd still be slightly woozy. But if this is the case, then that means..!

Oh dear gods I just drugged Ayano!

She is going to kill me! Oh my goodness I'm a horrible, despicable human being! How will I explain to anyone what has happened!? If her parents find out-! Oh the reign of Kizano has come to a halt!

I'm doomed!


I-! I must wake my sleeping beauty! Yes! Tell her we both must've fallen asleep throughout the night! Perfect! None will be the wiser!

Well, except my family's personal driver. And guards... And staff...

My parents are going to end me first...

Oh cruel fate why must you forsake me...

Quit lollygaging Kizano! You have to do something!

"N...nnh..." She squirmed, curling tighter into a fetal position. Darling was no longer smiling... Oh my Juliet... Why must these nightmares plague you so? "S... Senpai..." She whimpered, her normally stoic expression was gone. In its place was a clenched face of worry... "no..."

Is she...dreaming about me? Probably a fikle fable, but I can only hope. I... I have to wake her... I'm sorry my dear, I'll deal with the consequences later. I promise. "Ayano?" I placed a hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing it. My attempts to coax her awake were futile, she whimpered in response...

I got up from my spot on the couch to kneel in front of her, she looks so small... So helpless... So...alone... "help..." So she's the one in trouble, I won't let your demons haunt you no longer.

"I'm here, wake up darling..." I grabbed her hand, curling my fingers with hers. The bandages roughly sliding against my skin. "You're safe, open your eyes." She did, they were clouded. As if she was not fully conscious, most likely an affect of my medication.

"S-senpai..?" She whispered, her hand slid out of mine. I would have been disappointed, if it were not the fact that she slipped off the couch into my lap. Clinging to me desperately in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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